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Thu, 12 Mar 1998 08:42:12 -0500
Micki Wingate <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (49 lines)
Mr. Killian,
I was going to respond to your statement regarding the IFFB in a personal
e-mail but decided against it.  Since you made your statements on a public
forum, it is only right that I respond in the same manner.
First.  You are right regarding the mention of primaparous jills in the Dr.
Fox book.  That statement is in the chapter on nutrition.  Further on, in
the chapter on reproduction, it states that because of management practices
one breeding colony is able to begin their females' reproductive life
between 7 and 10 months and breed continuously until productivity declines.
Females average 3.7 litters per year and are rarely maintained beyond six
litters or 30 months of age.  Rebreeding occurs immediately on onset of
postweaning estrus.  The reference given for this information is the same
as the reference given for the primaparous jill information you site.
Secondly, I have, on several occasions, in the past 6 years or so spoken
with persons at Marshall Farms who were very proud of the fact that their
nutritional program worked so well they could average a little over 3
litters per year.  I trust my source on this information.
Third, Dr. Bell, in her book, states that jills under *natural light*
conditions can have two litters per year, 3 under *artificial* light.
Lastly, I personally feel it is extremely arrogant of you to tell this forum
what the IFFB *supports*.  You have stated publicly that you are not a
member and never will be.  Yet, you have no qualms about stating your
opinion as fact.  The "Breeder Code of Ethics" actually states that IFFB
breeders will not allow a jill to have more than two litters a year.  A year
is 12 months, 365 days - not necessarily Jan.-Dec.  This was added because
it is understood that some breedings result in false pregnancies, some jills
deliver but for whatever reason the litter will not be brought to weaning
age, a jill could have a small litter or few survivors of a large litter
etc.  This was added after consultations with several respected ferret
knowledgeable veterinarians on the possible effects of two litters on a
jill's health.  You have NEVER spoken to me about the IFFB.  Don't presume
you can speak to what is or is not supported by this organization.  I
believe the breeders who have joined the IFFB are consciencious,
intelligent, caring people who are proud of their breeding practices and
are wise enough to know when they can or should safely rebreed.
Anyone who is interested may check out the new IFFB website and read for
themselves what it states.  Then, they can draw their own conclusions.
(under construction, the url is listed below).
Micki    <[log in to unmask]>
[Posted in FML issue 2245]