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Mon, 9 Mar 1998 01:53:41 -0600
TwoSpooky <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (30 lines)
QUESTION 1: Hi, all.  Some of you might remember that last summer we were
having problems with our little girl Xena.  She'd been improperly descented,
with not all of the scent gland being removed.  We had to have her
re-descented in June.
Well, now Gabrielle, Xena's litter-mate, is having a similar problem.  The
right-side gland (which isn't supposed to be there at all) has been infected
in the past and now needs to be expressed at the vet's office periodically.
The gland opening has also grown very large.  The secretion is gunky and
generally gross.  :P If not expressed, it causes her discomfort to the point
of not wanting to poop.
Does anyone have any suggestions for this problem that *don't* require
surgery?  The poor baby has been through three surgeries in her short little
life so far already.
QUESTION 2: Does anyone have any concrete advice for a persistent biter --
a large boy with strong jaws who routinely draws blood?  He is basically a
play biter, and we are just failing miserably to get through to him despite
having had him for a year.  I am so down.  Shelly Knudsen has given me some
helpful advice (hi, Shelly!) already, but I really am in need of as much
advice from as many different people as I can get.  He chewed me up but
good a few weeks ago, long after I thought we had the face biting under
control.  I'm sporting a brand new set of nose scars.
Well, that's all for now.  Any help is greatly appreciated! :)
-Tasha and the Fuzzy Four (and in loving memory of Squeaker)
[Posted in FML issue 2242]