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Mon, 2 Mar 1998 11:52:32 -0700
"Rev. Patrick J. Mcdonald D.D." <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (33 lines)
Hello, to all this is our first post and I do mean our...I am owned by two
lovable fuzzies and was instructed to do this post...
We would like to say first that we are very thankful for the FML.  It is a
wealth of information and laughs... We had the choice of joining several
chat groups but decided to check out the Ferret chat on ICQ...and since
then we have met and gratfully so become friends with dozens of fuzzie
lovers through the net...
I have been raising ferrets for over 15 years and I had to do all of the
hunting for info on my own...and now with the aid of the net we are able to
do a search and find lots of resources for fuzzie lovers...
The best contact we found include the FML....and those who post there...and
the friends we've made through SAM (IHUG) and all those she has introduced
us to through our daily chats....
I have often wondered why this vast group of FUZZIE lovers haven't organized
into a semi coordinated group for the purpose of protecting our owners...
I propose the organization of a WORLD FERRET SOCIETY.  Or what ever it would
be called...but it should be comprised of ferret lovers from all over the
There purpose would be to gather information and be a clearing house for
information that our humans could use for our care and to help organize
them in our endevors to become free ciitizens in this world...
Those interested E-Mail my human:
thanks TAZ and Baby....(the new mexico critter1 crew)
[Posted in FML issue 2235]