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Mon, 2 Mar 1998 10:58:25 -0600
"Nielsen, Chris" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (24 lines)
I'm an avid lurker ever since my first ferret entered my life.  I don't post
that often, but participate a lot more on alt.pets.ferrets.  Currently, I'm
owned by 7 ferrets and they comprise the 'Snack Pack'.
At the present time, I'm the president of the Ferret Fanciers of Omaha - a
local club.  We've been looking at putting on a ferret show.  We've done
some Fun Days and whatnot before, but nothing on this kind of scale.  I know
its not even going to get off the ground without a lot of work.  I've got a
lot of the basic ideas down, but am daunted a little by the sheer enormity
of it all.
I would love to hear from other people who have participated in organizing
these kind of things.  Tips, pitfalls, advice, help of any kind, etc,
etc...would be most appreciated.
Chris and the Snack Pack
Cookie, Candy, Cocoa, Chip, Carmel, Cappuccino and Cupcake.
Ferret Fanciers of Omaha
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[Posted in FML issue 2235]