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Sun, 22 Feb 1998 22:20:48 -0800
Ferrets Unlimited Ferret Shelter <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (28 lines)
Again I ask every one to keep faxes and letters positive and diplomatic.
Two years ago, after alot of work, Cleveland agreed to the 10 day
quarintine.  We were working on having my shelter quarintine the ferts here
if a bite happens, because of recent changes, and then all hell broke out.
They have been sending people to me with ferts.  It has taken along time to
get to this point, if we are not diplomatic, 18 to 20 ferts a year will be
taken to them and killed, instead of being brought to me for a chance at a
good home.
Please - if you fax or write or call - be diplomatic, do not come accross as
if you were blaming them for the ferts plight.  It not only matters to this
fert, but the others that people bring there.
I will be getting in to examine the fert tomorrow, and see if I can get the
fert to the vet for an exam.  I will let all know how it goes as soon as I
get home.
If being nice doesn't work, then we need to find other ways to approach, I
hope that doesn't happen.
Jean & The Zoo Crew
Ferrets Unlimited Ferret Shelter
Cleveland, Ohio
[Posted in FML issue 2226]