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Fri, 20 Feb 1998 21:26:24 +0000
Edward Lipinski <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (42 lines)
Dzeen Dobra. [Polish] Good Morning.
Heretofore a total of 11 of 15 ferret Olympic events have been described.
These descriptions are happily and freely given in response to a number of
requests from other ferret club members who would like to try them when they
have their "ferret fun-matches." I sincerely hope they have as much
enjoyment putting on these Olympics as I've had.  Where ferrets are
involved, along with intelligent, wholesome people, how could it not be
absolute "Frettchenvergnuegen?"
I, as the originator of these Olympic events for ferrets, am given to hope
that some day perhaps a Council of Peers, perhaps composed of any and all
interested ferret affecionadoes and officers of the extant official National
and International Ferret Organizations, may come together in a Developmental
Conference to organize and develop officially sanctioned and standardized
events that would be conducted anywhere worldwide.  This could be called,
for example: IFO for International Ferret Olympics.
The suggestion of standardization is, I think, vitally important, insofar
that the resultant achievements of all Olympic ferret events would be indeed
comparable one to another, irrespective of place or country.  Such
standardization would most certainly make the awarding of Championship Cups
of Achievement greatly appreciated and indeed sincerely prized.
And, of utmost importance, it will bring the ferret and its true nature, its
physical as well as mental attributes, into worldwide public view so that
the ferret, both domestic and feral, may be truly appreciated as God's gift
to man, even by those who have never before seen a ferret.
So, if you have any feelings whatsoever, positive I hope, but negative as
well, please let's write about this, and perhaps we, together, can travel
that road to fulfillment.
        Aller Anfang ist schwer. [G.] Most beginnings are tough.
[F]erret [E]ndowment for [R]esearch, [R]ehab, [E]ducation & [T]raining
[S]ociety, NorthWest  F  E  R  R  E  T  S  NW,  E. Lipinski, Director.
Ferret events 3 times/year:  last Sundays of January (New Year Party)
Jun and Aug (Ferret Frolics/Olympics).
[Posted in FML issue 2224]