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Mon, 16 Feb 1998 09:48:20 -0600
Bob Church <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (40 lines)
I've noticed a number of people have remarked about their Modern Ferret
being a little late.  Please be patient; Eric and Mary will get it to you
soon!  They are a little behind in their stuff because of various unforseen
complications (as opposed to me just being a little behind), and are working
overtime catching stuff up.  Just remember they are a small Mom-n-Pop type
of a business, trying desperately to put out a high quality product while
competing against a well funded (and profit minded) competitor.  NO, they
did *not* ask me to say this; I've just met them and know they are very nice
people.  I like them, so cut them a tiny break, ok?  Of course, I like
almost everyone, so maybe it isn't saying much ;-)
My server (showme.missouri.edu) is having some serious problems of late.  It
sometimes bounces my mail, loses mail, refuses to accept some addresses, and
lately has decided large files cannot go through.  It also freezes up, adds
or eletes characters in messages, and makes you wait for long periods of
time before it will respond.  I can't tell you how much I hate reading "NFS
server mail not responding still trying" while attempting to send off a
message before I have a class or go to work.  This is not me nor my
software, and both the university and the IBM are working on fixing it.  I
wrote them a note and said, if it were a Mac, it *would* be fixed.  They
have had this problem from time to time, which I correlate to the influx on
new students half of which are surprised they can talk long distance for
free, and the other half just thankful they can see neckid ladies in the
internet.  If you have tried to write me and I haven't responded, rest
assured that on my end, I think I'm caught up on my emails.  If you sent
something and I didn't respond, assume showme ate it.
You know you're a ferret lover when you do your yearly computer cleanup, and
when taking apart the keyboard to get the dust out, you notice the
gray-brown felt pad is worn in places and are about to call for a new one
when it dawns on you that you are looking at a years worth of shed ferret
fur that drifted under the keys.
You know you are *really* a ferret lover when, after you remove the "ferret
felt," you save it because it reminds you of Buddy and Razz and you still
miss them.
Bob C and 20 MO Raisin Hounds
[Posted in FML issue 2220]