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Thu, 5 Feb 1998 23:57:25 -0500
Derek & Amy Flemming <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (44 lines)
This is a long story, so sit back & read carefully!
In November of 1996, I had purchased a ferret at a ferret show from a guy
named CHRIS HANSEN in Michigan.  *Please remember this name!*  The ferret
placed well in his class & his brother, Merlin, did VERY well.  I talked to
the owner of his brother & she really like her ferret & had no problems.  He
was registered with the IFFB as a breeder.  I unfortunatly didn't do enough
The beautiful hob I bought had big plans as a breeder and I did breed him in
February.  Right after I bred him (about a week) I noticed his eyes were
getting funny looking.  I kept an eye on him and by May he was completely
blinded by cateracts - in both eyes.  At this time the kits were born &
I tried to contact the breeder in March, April & finally got a hold of him
in May.  When I had bought him, I got a signed contract for the quality of
the ferret & offspring!  The breeder would not honor the contract!  It
stated it was good for one year!  He told me he could take the ferret, but
not refund my money or replace the animal.  He said he was getting out of
breeding and would just put the ferret to sleep!
I tried to get in touch with him to resolve the matter but, got "it is my
wife's thing" or "it is my husband's thing".  Or they would get their young
child to lie to me on the phone, telling me he was there all by himself -
only after checking with somebody first!!
Now I am getting calls from some of the owners of the babies by this ferret
(they are almost a year now)!  Some of them are blind, too!  Now what do I
do!?!  I feel horrible!  I will have to refund money of offer them another
ferret (not a replacement).  I am willing to do this (another ferret pref)
but it is tainting my name as a breeder!
I have run across another breeder who bought a deaf ferrets from him & who
also saw a blind female of his.  That breeder told him to stop breeding it!
Unfortunatly the breeder couldn't remember the jill's name.
Does anybody know any other people that had his ferrets or any problems with
them?  I am taking him to court now for breaking a contract.  I need as much
help as I can get!
[Posted in FML issue 2209]