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Tue, 27 Jan 1998 11:42:07 -0800
"Bostrom, Michael A" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (31 lines)
My mom wanted me to ask a couple of questions.  First, she has two ferrets
who are very skinny.  She is very worried about them.  She has tried duck
soup, the vet put them on amoxy for two weeks, all with no affect.  This
time of the year they should be nice and plump.  The most confusing thing is
that being skinny is the only symptom.  They don't eat as much when they're
being duck soup, but I think that's because they the duck soup and aren't as
hungry for regular food.  Their poops look fine.  Their energy has been
normal, although recently the albino hasn't been playing for as long before
finding a corner to sleep in.  Other than being skinny, they seem to be
healthy ferrets.  I'm in the process of scouring the web to dig up what info
I can.  I'm also going to talk to my vet who knows more about ferts than my
mom's vet(that's what she gets for living way out in the sticks).  In the
meantime, I would like to know if anyone has any suggestions as to what's
going on.
Also, my mom recently bought a new cage from a place called Enchanted Forest
out of Wisconsin.  She found their add in Modern Ferret.  The cage itself is
excellent, very high quality.  The problem has been with service.  Parts
that were to be sent out right away have taken weeks to get there.  My mom
was wondering if anyone else has dealt with Enchanted Forest and if they
have had the same problems.
Thanks for your time & may your ears always be perked,
Limejello & the Weezils of Doom
"Consciousness: That annoying time between naps"
[Posted in FML issue 2200]