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Tue, 20 Jan 1998 21:55:12 EST
KatKuckens <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (20 lines)
Dear FMLers, your many notes of advice, support, prayers and love have
helped me a lot.  I am very sad and missing Cody and Dale so much, but the
kind and caring messages I have received from you have been the one bright
spot.  (Besides finding Megabyte.) I want to tell you about one FMLer who
e-mailed me that she wanted to come help.  She is a fellow member of FACT
(Ferret Association of CT) but we had never met or spoken before.  This
wonderful soul came to my house today and cheerfully tramped over block
after block of snow, woods, woodpiles, garages, barns, and sheds, cheerfully
squeaking her squeaker and crawling around with her flashlight while I
called Cody and blabbed on and on about all my woes.  I am overwhelmed by
this act of kindness!
Meanwhile, we go into our fourth night.  None of the food I have left in
many places has been disturbed.  Where are they?  Cody always comes when I
call her.  Why isn't she coming?  Is there any hope?  How long can they
last?  My heart is just broken.
[Posted in FML issue 2193]