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Mon, 19 Jan 1998 09:50:07 EST
MsAnything <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (31 lines)
>A very serious symptom of adrenal disease is an enlarged prostate, which
>leads to more constant, but less, urination.  The end result of this may be
>a urinary tract blockage and, once your fuzzy is at risk for this (as your
>fuzzy very likely is since he has the set of classical adrenal symptoms) he
>could block up anytime.  I learned the hard way that a ferret blocking up
>is not like a cat blocking up; the tract is much smaller and harder to
>clear.  The end result to blockage may well be death.
You wrote in the FML regarding adrenal disease and it was as if you were
describing my Bear.  He had adrenal surgery last spring/summer (right side
adrenal) and has begun showing signs of aggression, peeing often and the
area around/below his penis is hard.  He is a little over 6 years old so I
hate to put him through another surgery for the other adrenal.  Is this the
only solution?  Is it a death sentence if I don't do the surgery?
I have 2 vets that seem to know about fuzzies, but I'd like to go into the
office fully informed and prepared to discuss problem and treatment.
Please, help.  What exactly do you feel are the steps to be taken?  1, 2,
3 .....
Thanks for any help you or anyone else on the list may be able to give me.
I'll wait to make the vet appointment until I here from you all.
Thanks again,
(Bear, Gizmo, Tikki & Bailey)
[Posted in FML issue 2192]