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Sat, 10 Jan 1998 20:00:41 -0500
Woeller D <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (63 lines)
Hi All.
Wanted to keep the Virtual Medicine Cabinet on all of your minds, so, aside
from reminding you to send your home first aid ideas in, I wanted to address
some things:
-Some posts I've recevied have mentioned or suggested that the VMC could be
used to avoid or substitute for Vet visits.  No way.  I don't want the VMC
to stop folks from going to the vet at ALL.  Please do not even think of not
treating ferret emergencies as emergencies.  The vet trip can be the
difference between a sick ferret and a dead ferret.  I'm hoping the VMC will
be a basis for a shopping list for items to keep on hand for common, minor
problems, first aid, or emergency care until we can get them to a vet, or
intermediary care until they see the vet, or backup care after, etc., etc.,
etc.  And I'm hoping people will share this info with their vets, too...
-How about some info contributions?  I have actually received more
suggestions on what I should do with this info, and requests for the
finished product, than I have tips or info.  Many have said they'd like to
offer info, but have nothing to contribute.  EVERYONE has something to
contribute. :D
If you don't have any ideas offhand for good items to keep around, how about
calling your vet and asking for tips, hints, info, or maybe an interview on
ferret first aid, or another subject you would like to see on the VMC?  Or
call reputable breeders or shelters, or ferret publications in your area and
ask if they have any info to pass on?  Aside from increasing your knowledge
base, you may get to know some awesome people, and, if you want to do some
good things for ferrets, while you're at it, if you have any time to give,
ask these wonderful people if you can help them with anything.
- PLEASE- No more suggestions of what you think I should do, in addition to
what I have volunteered to do.  (It really IS all I have time for.) If you'd
like to volunteer to do something other than send in info, let me know, and
I'll try to hook you up with others who volunteer to do the same.  I've
gotten over a hundred, "You should call this person", "You should ask that
person" and "You should do this" posts, so far, some complete with phone #s
and emails for ME to follow up on.  (Not half that many info posts...) I
really want to emphasize that the ideas are appreciated, very, very much, I
don't want to seem ungrateful for your thought, but the effort would be
appreciated moreso.  If there is something you would like to see done with
the VMC, please organize it, make the calls, and tell me what you need from
me.  I will make every effort to help you in it, but I'm not ready to take
anything else on, just yet. (Maybe after I recover from this project... :D )
If you think someone you know would like to volunteer for something, please
don't tell me you're uncomfortable asking, but you think I should solicit
their help.  Aside from the time factor, I can't imagine me, a stranger,
would be more comfortable doing this than you would.  Your creativity is
welcome, but if there is someone you think I should contact for help, how
about if you contact them, and ask them to help?  I am going to put this
post together, and there are some folks out there who have said "I would
like to do 'this' with that info', and I'm going to hand it over to them,
and applaud their efforts.
-and finally- to all those who HAVE said, "Here are my favorite first aid
items" (and details, too) and, "Here is what I'd like to do to help make
info for a 'Virtual Medicine Cabinet' available, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK
YOU, from the bottom of my heart.  (And my ferret's).
Warm Hugs and Fuzzy Dreams
(and ferret kisses, woozle)
[Posted in FML issue 2183]