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Fri, 19 Dec 1997 11:36:43 -0600
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As many of you will remember I said that I was reserving judgement on the
value of the new Compendium until I actually say the wording because I did
not trust these people.  I also said that if there were no hidden problems
with it I would gladly admit that my skepticism was unwarranted.  I still
have not seen the actual document but in in the face of all the reports of
health departments nationwide changing their policies I am forced to admit
(publicly as I promised) that these people screwed up and actually gave us
what they promised this time.  In keeping with the holiday season and the
tendency to link the season to people's postings, I will follow suit and
draw some holiday parallells (sorry folks, it isn't xmas, I'm one o those
who dosen't observe that holiday any more than I have to).
As we approach the beginning of Hanukkah I'd like to point out some things
which make this holiday particularly appropriate to new compendium
recommendations.  First a little background on the holiday to bring everyone
up to speed and get us all thinking alike.  (sorry about the of topic but
believe me it is necessary)
It was during a period when Israel had been conqured by invaders and had
engaged in a long struggle to regain its freedom.  As a parting shot the
invaders despoiled the temple, in part by using the lamp oil ffor the sacred
flame as everyday oil.  When the temple was retaken it was discovered that
there was barely enough oil to keep the flame burning for 3 days.  It would
take over a week to create and bless enough oil to keep the flame burning.
A decision had to be made...rededicate the temple immediately even i there
was not enough oil or to wait until there was enough.  Because of the
significance of having the temple it was decided to proceed with what oil
they had.  This act of faith lead to one of very few actually documented
miracles in jewish tradition.  The three days oil burned for eight days.
(this is a very simplistic version of the story and I'm sure much was left
Now, what has this to do with the Compendium, you ask?  Well, the way I see
it both celebrate the coming of light (the light of reason) Both represent
cases where people defeated their oppressors (in our case the NASPHV) after
a long battle where they never lost hope.  The oppressors defiled something
very dear (in one case the temple, in ours the lives of many of our pets).
Purely on an act of faith the people followed a seemingly hopeless course
(the rabies shedding studies) and were rewarded for their faith.
So this year as you look at the Menorah and the candles being lit reflect
for a moment how the shamus (the worker, the candle which lites the others)
could be those in the ferret community who were the first to take up the
cause and who worked tirelessly to bring the light.  About how the eight
candles could stand for the eight different rabies strain tested (fox, vole,
rodent, skunk, raccoon, coyote, and two bat strains) or for the many years
of fighting to make the changes.  Think about how the oil was supposed to
only last three days but lasted eight, a difference of five, and how it was
five years between when AFA representitves presented this same set of
changes with the supporting data and when it was finally accepted (1992-97).
Remember, there was controversy even then as to whether to proceed with the
dedication was the correct course.  And finally, that Hanukkah this year
ends on the last day of the year 1997.  1998 official;ly ushers in a new era
of ferret rabies policy just as the rededication of the temple symbolized a
new period of freedom for the children of Israel.
So much for the inspirational message to the jewish people out there and my
apologies to the christians for interupting their xmas reveries.  And now
back to the non-secular FML postings.
[Posted in FML issue 2160]