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Mon, 17 Nov 1997 21:03:09 -0800
zen and the art of ferrets - bill and diane <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (51 lines)
>From:    Edward Lipinski <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Price reduction: Seattle angora kits
We probably should have just ignored this.  But you are barking up the wrong
tree this time...
>Now for the big question: Is this the first step down that slippery slope
>of species degradation where pressure upon a given species by show people
>for something "different" will ultimately sink a species, as has happened
>to dogs and cats;
The AFA has at this point decided that the angora is not going to be given
any special status nor are any of the other mutations currently being bred
outside of coloration.  The AFA does not want to get into the trouble the
dog and cat fancy got themselves into.  You ought to research what the AFA
(and other organizations) have chosen as their standard.  They are aiming to
keep the ferret as pure as possible.
It was NOT the show/fancy breeders involved from the beginning on the
angora.  They came from fur farms in Scandinavia although I'm told they are
not good for pelts.
There is also no one considering importing angoras into the country now nor
are there any whole angoras in the United States currently.  I've only known
of one that was visiting.
>It's so simple: Shows encourage conformation.
Isn't this what you wanted?  You did not want breeders to breed the unusual
but to conform to the normal for ferrets.
>Ferret Olympics encourage ability, health, robustness, and of greatest
>importance, encourages bringing to the forefront the natural frolicksome,
>impish and comical nature that IS the ferret.
You have a right to your opinion.  We strongly disagree.  Yet you have never
attended an AFA show.  Also you have never attended an East Coast fun match.
Fun matches consist of races, digging events, swimming, bag escapes and the
like.  Many shows have fun match events along with the championship show.
You have no knowledge base of what we do here just as we have no knowledge
base to evaluate your Olympics.  I'm not keen on the idea of strings soaked
in fecal matter though.  Several diseases pass fecal-oral so it seems far
too risky.
bill and diane killian
zen and the art of ferrets
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[Posted in FML issue 2128]