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Sat, 15 Nov 1997 21:28:23 +1300
Sarah Milloy <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (46 lines)
Hi everyone
I am so happy this day has finally arrived!  I finally have my new baby!
She is absolutely gorgeous, but somewhat vicious.  She's an 8 week(?) old
female sable and just beautiful.  I got her to keep my one year old male
cinnamon ferret Tiko company, but at the moment their relationship is not
quite perfect.  When I got Tiko he was 6 weeks old and fully wheened, but
Kaka, my new ferret is 8 weeks old and still hasn't been wheened properly.
I was quiete digraced with the pet shop for not giving me this important
information, and I don't know how all the other ferrets in the litter are
going to survive, well I'm sure they will and everything, but still....... I
wasn't really sure what to do, because when we introduce Tiko to Kaka she
runs at him, because she thinks he's her mother and trys to find his
nipples.  It's so awful and she makes all these noises, that I'm not at all
used to and do not know what they mean, because Tiko is almost silent, apart
from the dooks he makes when he's in a hyperactive mood.  So I found a
little squeezy bottle and fed her some cow's milk.  Mum said I shouldn't do
this too often because it's not the same as ferret's milk obviously.  But
Kaka loved it and drank almost the whole bottle.  Tiko is very afraid of
her, because he probably understands the noises she makes far better than
me, and probably hates being thought of her mum, especially since he's a
boy.  So whenever she comes near him he runs off as fast as he can or jumps
onto the sofa.  I don't know what to do, I know it's only the first day and
everything, but still, isn't the oldest, or dominant ferret supposed to
attack the new comer?  I would be so much happier if that was happening
because at least I'd know it was normal.  If anyone has any advice on this
situation I would love to hear from you.
Some of you may remember me from the 'cage size and toys' article.  Well
you'll be happy to hear that we finally found the perfect cage!  It's
absolutely wonderful.  It's this huge box that used to be used for
transporting car parts.  We saw it lying on the street and the owner said
that he'd be happy to let us have it!  We carried it home, but found we
couldn't fit it in our house, so since my ferret(s) live on the balcony we
had to tie ropes around it and haul it up!  It was quite a feat, but we
managed.  I'll have to build a shelter area, as when we put the old rabbit
hutch into it it took up most the space, so that was no good.  We also have
to build a wire mesh lid to put on the top.  But after that it will be
Just thought I'd share the good news with you!
See ya
Sarah Milloy      [log in to unmask]
[Posted in FML issue 2126]