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Wed, 29 Oct 1997 18:27:58 -0800
Amy Evers <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (38 lines)
Hey I like that!  My first ever nick-name for my Worf (now 1 yr old) was
Velociweasel!  Now however, he gets called about every name in the book
becuse of his aptitude for getting into trouble.  We have finally gotten
into a house again after having to live in a 27' camp tailer all summer (and
no computer/FML during that time... Yes it was awful!), and Darling Worf is
having a blast.  Just this last week his list included:
Denting the gold rim on my music box (yes, he's a fan of bethoven's 'Fur
Elise') and breaking one of his teeth in the process of taking it down off
the book shelf.
Uprooting my Bonsai tree ($100 worth) not once but four times, despite all
my efforts to make it inaccessable. ( I'm a strong believer in ferret
Hauling my "Stone Critter" ferrets under the dresser.
Removing the insoles of my snow boots and paddock shoes and hauling them
under the dresser
Distroying two boxes of kleenex.
And all this is in addition to all the "Normal" ferret activities such as
bed snorkling, sock stealing, kidnapping books, planting little ferret
"bombs" RIGHT in front of the door so that when it opens the "bomb" gets
smeared into the carpet, etc.
My Sweet little 4 year old Katie is an absolute angel of course, I swear
she's never done anything worse than knocking the water bottle off the cage.
But, it is such a joy to watch the two of them racing across the floor to
see who gets to the tubes first, or wrestling under the covers of the bed
that I can forgive them just about anything.
It's SO nice to be back here with the FML family again! :)
Amy, Katie and Worf (aka: The Velociweasel!)
[Posted in FML issue 2109]