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Sat, 13 Sep 1997 17:52:34 +0000
Margaret Merchant <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (64 lines)
Hi Ya'll,
I decided I was much too serious yesterday so I intend to make up for it.
Hope you all are ready.  hehe.
I wanted to say I have re-evaluated my requirements for dating.  Since my
experience with short men is rather bad (I seem to pick out those who have
what my Daddy always called a "Napoleon" complex, which also isn't to say
that all short guys have this, I just zero in on them.  Is that pc enough?)
I have decided to try tall guys for awhile.
Like I have said before, it is kinda funny that I pick short guys, as my
father was huge.  He was 6'1", 220lbs and wore a 17.5 inch shirt.  He boxed
and was career military.
And for those of you ahead of the game, yep, met someone at school who is
tall.  Tall (must be 6'3" or so) black hair, blue eyes, kind and young.
Yep, even re-evaluated age here folks, I haven't asked but he must be late
20's.  Hmm....I wonder what kind of implications that might have.
So back to my original point, if you fit the bill of being single, and male,
let me know.  That is currently my only requirements.  Well, loving animals
of course.  And if that doesn't seem picky enough, well, you know, not much
else matters in the long run if he is a good person.
Outside of that, my Celtic genes are in full force.  I have gotten my ire up
this week and decided what all good Celts finally come too, if they can't
take a joke....
I am just taking a break from tons of school work.  I am working on my book,
writing a paper as a take home test and working out the thesis and outline
for papers in two other anthro classes.  One is on human biology and the
other is the ever present paper on deviance.  Think I will ultimately write
that one on power struggles, sex and control in relationships.  Might be a
little different than what all the 20 year olds are writing about.
Pookie is finally letting up on Brock some.  Now she just kicks his butt
occassionally and I swear when I checked out the yelling last night, they
were actually playing and not fighting.  But neither would own up to it.
Brock is such a sweetie.  He follows me around and watches me just like the
Pookster, which I attribute in large part to his deafness.  His blaze is
fading somewhat and he is starting to look more and more panda-ish.  yes, he
has a white blaze on a white head.  He gives lots of kisses, loves to play
chase with me and throws a fit when I put him in a cage.  Litter everywhere.
Everyone else is demanding duck soup every day now.  Have had some sneezes
going around, I think it is the changing weather and pollen.  So I have been
giving them lots of good vitamins in the ds and now they expect it.  I
cannot walk up by the kitchen sink, where I make the soup, without turning
around to see a dozen faces staring at me.  Nothing like extreme guilt to
get you to do something, is there?
Maggie, trying to act like a student again
The role of the writer is not to say what we all can say,
but what we are unable to say.
Anais Nin
[Moderator's note: Unless you're a ferret responding, please respond to the
non-ferret related part of the post directly to Maggie.  BIG]
[Posted in FML issue 2064]