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Fri, 5 Sep 1997 16:26:46 -0500
text/plain (28 lines)
Hi all!
Well, this morning while I was playing with Zaire, I noticed some drops of
blood on my hand.
Thinking to myself, "He couldn't have bit me that hard!" I looked myself
over & realized it was not me who was bleeding.
So I looked into Zaire's mouth & discovered that one of his teeth was gone!
(Looking in his mouth, he has the tiny teeth in the very front & two longer,
sharper teeth on either side of the tiny ones.  It would be the 2nd long
tooth on his left side that was missing.) And then I looked on the bed &
there lie his tooth!!
I am wondering if this was a baby tooth that was just ready to fall out
(he's 9 or 10 weeks old by now I guess)?  Or did he somehow get his tooth
knocked out when we were playing?  He could have hit his mouth against my
ring.  He didn't seem to be in any pain what so ever.  And he didn't make
any noises to indicate he was hurting.
I don't ever remember finding my first ferret's teeth falling out when he
was a baby!  So, I am just wondering if this is something I should be
concerned over?
[Posted in FML issue 2056]