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Mon, 30 Jun 1997 10:34:12 +0000
Ryan Martin <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (32 lines)
I have a cute and funny story to tell.  My roommate has a dog, about 70lbs
and still growing.  He's not even a year yet.  Chewy, the dog, loves to play
with my four ferrets.  He is an English Shepherd, so he instinctually
follows them and tries to herd them.  He is really good with them.  He never
tries to bite them even though he is always going at them with his mouth.
When he comes back up my kids are soaked.  It seems that he follows them and
licks them.  Non only does he have a big tongue but he is a drooler so they
look like you gave them a bath.  Anyway, i have been introducing Chewy to my
kit Escabar who is only 15weeks.  My other ferrets usually dont pay much
attention to the dog, they just go about their business and the dog follows.
Well it seems that my baby is a litle more interested than his brothers and
sister.  Last nite the dog was watching escabar.  Escabar was running
between his legs and jumping at the dogs side and face.  I think he nipped
the dog square on the nose a few times.  Chewy being as well mannered as he
is just stood there taking it.  The dog knows not to hurt the ferrets.
Anyway, on the last leap, Escabar caught hold of Chewy's upper lip and
clamped on.  He was hanging from the dogs mouth and the dog did not move.
He stood patiently as i first lifted the ferrets weight and the began the
process of removing him from the dogs lip.  It only took a few seconds, but
i realized that we have a great dog in the house.  He did not scream in
pain, he did not retaliate.  It was as if he understood that escabar was a
little baby who was only playing not out for blood.
love and peace to all the little ones out there and to those of you who love
and cherish your ferrets as much as i do.
Oh---why do people always have to refer to ferrets as rodents.
They are not and they will never be.  Educate the public.
[Posted in FML issue 2019]