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Sat, 19 Jul 1997 01:29:06 -0700
Gilbert Le Cren <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (46 lines)
Hi guys!
Sam here, writing from Portland, Oregon.  I'm in staying with some
absolutely excellent people (Sandy from the OFA), and have had my first
ferret fix in over a week!  I've missed my FMLs, Kodo's Kommandos, and my
Ferret Forums... I'm NOT looking forward to reading my mail when I get
home... However... My timing, is excellent.
I just grabbed the FML for today, and saw the comment on people needing to
bring ferrets into NZ from the States... It'll be a long, hard, uphill
Because New Zealand is a rabies-free country, the Ministry of Agriculture
and Fisheries (who are in charge of this kinda thing), are very strictly
about the importation of any animals from countries that AREN'T of a similar
status.  Heck, they're looking at a quarantine and major permit $$, major
importation costs... even from a place like Australia or the UK, who are the
only 'approved' countries they'll tell me of.  Last I heard (about three
months back), it costs approximately $240 for the permit to bring animals
into the country.  Then, you've got quarantine fees, and there's a whole
list of criteria to follow (vets in both countries need to check the ferrets
state of health etc)...
As in many things, however, dogs and cats are allowed to be brought into the
country from America etc, so it could be possible.  It WILL be an expensive
job, and if the people are only coming over for 6 months to a year, it
wouldn't be worth it.  If they're moving to New Zealand to live, then money
talks, in any government-type department.
Okay, enough of that... I don't have my info in front of me - it's in my
desk at home, and I don't get back until August.
Just wanted to say I'm having a ball!  I'm in love with some of the fuzzies
here already.  I saw my first hamster in LA, and I'm off to meet another
FMLer in Newport... Wow, time flies by so fast!  So, have a great time!
I'll be in Newport (with no internet access, darn) by the time this goes
through... See you guys when I get back online again!
If anyone wants to talk to me, or ask questions about the ferts going to NZ
thing, email me at [log in to unmask]
Don't forget to visit my website at http://homepages.ihug.co.nz/~fanmail
[Posted in FML issue 2008]