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Tue, 7 Apr 1998 16:05:06 -0600
Jason Poole <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (85 lines)
"Break one nine, break one nine . . . This is craaaaazzzzzzy Sammy coming at
you form the wonderful land of the USA!  Anyone out there got a copy?"
Hi you'all.  Seeing that I am currently in Texas I have to sound like the
natives <grin>.  I thought that I would start this post off with just one of
the many lines I use on the CB when daddy lets me talk on it.  I was reading
the FML and saw a post about someone wondering if truck driving is a good
life for ferrets.  I just HAD to comment on this post.
I have been truck'in with Daddy for almost 3 years.  In that time I have
gone about 350,000 miles.  I have dug and played at the beach and even got
my paws wet in the Atlantic Ocean in Massachusetts and at Virginia Beach,
VA.  There are some hot babes at Virginia Beach (wolf whistle)!  OOPS, sorry
Doris.  You know you are the hottest babe around ;-).  I have climbed the
mountains in Colorado and played in the dust of the deserts of Utah.
I get the WHOLE truck to play in but before I could ever even get in the
truck daddy's had to do this thing he called "Ferret Proofing", what a silly
name.  We all know that there is actually no such thing ;-).  I only have to
get in a carrier when we go visit someone or when I go to the vets.  All of
us, me, Doris, and Buddy, get to play all the time and we sleep on daddy's
pillow with him at night.  The only place we don't get to play is were Daddy
sits to drive.  When daddy is driving we can't go by his feet or nothing.  I
know that he is hiding some fantastic toy and whenever he stops and gets out
of the seat we all go look all over for that neat toy but he must put it up
because we can never find it.  I remember once I got by daddy's feet when he
was driving and he picked me up, tapped me on my bum (which didn't hurt but
he did it in front of Doris, I was soooo embarrassed), and told me no.
After that, I never go up by his feet when he is driving.  The other kids
don't either cause they don't want to be embarrassed like I was ;-(.
Another great thing about going with Daddy in his truck is that whenever I
get sick he takes me to this guy he calls a "specialist".  I remember when I
got sick and was losing my hair and daddy called this guy called "Dr. Bruce
WIlliams".  Dr. Williams told him about this "specialist" in Chicago that
could help.  Daddy then got a load to Chicago and I went and saw this
"Specialist".  I didn't think he was so great cause he told Daddy to make me
have a operation ;-(.  I feel a lot better since I had the operation and all
of my hair is growing back but I definitely don't want to go through that
again!  Then I got this terrible thing called ECE.  I think I got it when I
was in Denver.  Anyway, daddy found out about this "specialist" in San
Antonio, TX and so he got a load there and we took off and I went and saw
this "specialist" there.  I liked him a lot more cause he didn't make me
have an operation but he did take this long cold thing and put it up my,
ummm, well, lets just say that it wasn't them most comfortable thing that I
have been through.  Anyway he said he wanted to know my temperature.  I wish
he would have just asked.  I would have preferred just telling him.  Anyway,
now whenever we go through San Antonio we stop and see this nice
"specialist" guy.
I love to travel.  In fact, one of my favorite things when we are moving is
to climb up on daddy's lap and put my paws on the window ledge and look out
at all of the cool stuff as we go by.  I also get to meet a lot of neat
people and lots of ferrets.  We now have to be careful who we visit cause
daddy's says that I am "ECE Positive".  I am so sorry that I am this thing.
But daddy's tells me it is not my fault.  I wish I wasn't this thing because
I love to meet people.
Another thing that I LOVE about being a truck driving ferret is that I am
ALWAYS with my dad.  A couple of months ago I was so sick that I couldn't
even eat or drink by myself.  My dad would just pull over to the side of the
road every three hours and feed me and give me lots to drink.  Sometimes he
even did this more often.  He would hold me and tell me that I am going to
get better.  I know that I am a very lucky ferret because other ferrets have
to be in a cage for part of the day while their mom or dad goes to this
place called "work".  Some ferrets have to even stay by themselves while
they are sick because their mommy's and daddy's have to go to work so they
can have toys and food.  I am soooo glad that my daddy has a job that allows
him to be with me always.
I have heard stories about how sometimes cats and dogs will "freak out" when
they get in a moving car or truck.  This is because they aren't as smart as
us ferrets.  You see, since we have been domesticated so long we know that
even though the ground is moving by there is nothing scary about it.  In
fact, we like to sit back and enjoy the ride.  I have never heard of a
ferret that is scared of driving (but I am sure that there is one or two out
Well, dad says its his turn on the puter so I have to sign off.  "This is
craaaazzzzzy Sammy saying, Keep it between the lines and keep the shiney
side up!"  Bye
[Posted in FML issue 2271]