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Wed, 1 Apr 1998 21:36:42 -0500
Georgette Peters <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (65 lines)
Howdy all!  First off - my little family sends out their condolences to all
those who have recently lost a loved one.  Over the last year or so, I've
gotten a little more nervous about this unavoidable event that will
eventually visit my home too.  I have two 6 year old and two 5 year old
ferrets and with the one going through two major surgeries a few months ago
for mammarian cancer, my heart definitely goes out to all of you.  I don't
know how I'll manage to handle the loss of MY first pet (we had dogs when I
was little but this is *very* different).  I'm just glad that I have a very
supportive boyfriend (thank you Jasper!!) and a whole whack of ferret
collegues who will understand!!
Well, let's see if I can give out some helpful advice today ... hard to say,
my brain's a little fried!
Nail Clipping:
Okay - first to the person who was having trouble clipping her little one's
nails.  You said he (or she?? SORRY!) didn't like Ferretone, right??  Have
you tried an alternative, say like peanut butter???  My crew love the stuff
and it would definitely keep your fert busy while you trim!  Try a few
different things - maybe honey??? - and see what works for you both!
Bruised Ferret:
Next, there was the owner who's ferret had extensive bruising after an
operation.  Buster went through two surgeries in December and again a month
later in January (my credit card wasn't impressed! sigh!  but my vet has
been great about letting me pay him off in installments - thanks Dr.
Axelson!!!) and as if the sight of the major stitches wasn't enough, the
poor little fart had ALOT of bruising!!!  I just about cried when I saw him!
He seemed a little worse for wear, but was soon back to chuckling around the
house and causing trouble!
Biting Problem:
Okay, this same fellow above here was a notorious nipper and I had a heck of
a time stopping him from doing it.  What ended up working for me was - this
may sound weird to some - biting him back!  I would scruff him, yell NO!,
bite him on the back of the neck just enough to make him uncomfortable then
give him a ten minute time out in the pet carrier (AKA - The Bad Boy Box).
He finally started to get the hint that he was hurting me and his behaviour
improved markedly.  When Jasper and I started dating just over nine months
ago, Buster tried to play rough and bit him too hard a few times.  I told
Jasper what had worked with me and within about a month, Buster realized
that Jasper wasn't going to put up with this kind of behaviour and stopped
biting.  Yeah, you sometimes end up with a bit of ferret hair in your mouth,
but it's better than your ferret being frustratingly nippy!
Well, I hope this was helpful and that I didn't ramble on for too long!!
Take care and hugs to all!!
George, Jasper and the Tribe
Georgette Peters                            Nothing is fool-proof to a
Steacie Science Library                     sufficiently talented fool.
York University
4700 Keele Street                                     *****
North York, Ontario                                 *********
M3J 1P3                                               *****
                                             Dook, dook, bjork, bjork!
e-mail - [log in to unmask]                        - Swedish Ferret
[Posted in FML issue 2265]