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Tue, 3 Mar 1998 03:44:47 -0500
alphachi <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (62 lines)
>IMO, the only way to stop these horrable things that MF is believed to be
>doing, is to stand together, not cut each other down.... I know I will
>probably be flamed for this, but I could no longer sit and watch the people
>of this list rip each other to shreds.
Well, I couldn't agree more with everything you said.  Some have appeared to
wish to distract this issue with personal issues unrelated and far deeper.
It is also human nature to respond to these in a defensive manner and so it
goes, spiraling down ever more.  But I often find people find what they seek
and ignore the rest.
However, the real principles of this issue are Marshall Research and their
ferrets and practices: NOT Dr Bell, NOT the Killians, and certainly NOT
alphachi.  It is just as unreasonable and unethical at this time to use Dr
Bell as a supposed protagonist as anything else, and as I've already stated,
no erroneous implications by *anyone* on her role will be countered by this
The subject is past until Dr Bell personally decides otherwise, and as
recently as yesterday, that likelihood seems dim.  While I deeply regret her
decision, we need to honor it.  Again, zealots will always surface in an
argument.  Some do not take confidentially and ethics as a principle easily
and are compelled to use them amorally.  As uncovering the truth is an
ongoing process, there is always time to reconsider.
So, Vikki, while you and I and others must suffer the wrath and vendetta of
some, and many witness with dismay and sometimes even disgust, you can rest
assured we appear to be far better off than the ferrets in question.  If we
really care enough, perhaps we will be compelled as I, to read all the
posts, and read over the mierda.  After all, we are all bound by nature to
drop a little as we go: you just have to watch your step and wipe your shoes
often<G>.  Please contact me for an actual and viable plan.
It will take more than the passive-aggressive stance of a personal boycott.
It will require an active, assertive, and directed role.  You certainly
appear to be ready for just such a role.
>I was just wondering, how many of you would be willing to take in some MF
>ferrets?  I would like to let them know that there are other alternatives
>to killing the poor fuzzies.
This is a great thought.  However, the numbers may be far too great without
the financial responsibility being shared by those who created this mess or
a marked change in their practices.  But the argument of unprofitability
wavers in the light of ferrets selling in Europe and other countries (not
exactly third world) for a couple of bucks.  So much so, that Marshall
appears by some arguments to be able to kill one quarter of their breeding
stock each and every year.
BTW, do not confuse the breeding stock you are referencing with those cute,
docile, and cuddly kits.  These breeders were forced to live in conditions
far different from a caring home or shelter.  By many reports, they appear
greatly more aggressive and special handling and remedial health attention
may be required, strikingly similar to that of an abused animal.  Vikki,
nothing concerning Marshall appears to be simple or easy.
best wishes,
until next time,
[Posted in FML issue 2236]