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Tue, 3 Mar 1998 11:05:29 -0500
Sukie Crandall <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (40 lines)
Congratulations, Phoenix!!!  Lots of people did JUST the right kinds of work
(some of it plain old scud work which anyone can do for any effort to help
ferrets -- hint, hint, and reminder for next time) to save you, but I bet
you want to know some VERY SPECIAL things about two wonderful ladies who
took ACTION to save you.  The first is Linda, who got together publicity
which helped you.  Linda and everyone else know (and have said) this before,
but listen and learn again -- Jean was your biggest savior because she
worked hard to have, maintain, and shape a continuing CONSTRUCTIVE
relationship with the animal control people.  That gave her the influence
you needed to NOT become just a nameless statistic.  It's amazing what such
diligent work can achieve, and YOU, PHOENIX, are the LIVING PROOF!!!  Let's
hope that a LOT of people learn from this that they should be forging these
relationships in their own areas even now if possible, so that your name
will eventually define a CATEGORY rather than a rare individual!!!
It can be done, folks -- it HAS been done and beautiful Phoenix is the
living symbol!!!
Another very special lady here on the FML (who is modest about this, so I
am avoiding caps, and using only her first name, which leaves you multiple
options) has found a reference of humane groups (which she has on order at
her own expense), and she has said that she will be notifying them ALL with
copies of the 1998 Compendium after the book arrives!
That STILL leaves you folks with the chance to help save ferrets in YOUR
area, maybe YOUR OWN FERRETS (should a situation arise, or even just be
alleged -- say by a jilter lover, ex-spouse, someone you wouldn't date if
the roof fell in who wants to get back at you, an off-the-wall neighbor,
landlord or building manager, or a crazy relative, or -- the list can go
on, but I bet at least one of these ALREADY sounds familiar to some of you)
by getting copies of the Compendium to your local Animal Control people,
Emergency Room, Vets, and such, and by forging friendly relationships with
the shelters which will listen.  You can get the Compendium by sending an
SASE to STAR Ferrets, P.O. Box 1714, Springfield, VA 22151-0714, or to
AFA, P.O. Box 255, Crownsville, MD 21032, or finding it (in multiple pieces
last time I checked) at the AVMA website.
[Posted in FML issue 2236]