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Mon, 2 Feb 1998 10:04:04 +0000
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The following is a letter written by Jean Smith and dated January 15, 1998
and forwarded to me with a request to have posted this day February 02,
1998.  The letter is forwarded to the FML with no alterations what so ever
and I have provided a update at the bottom of this post that will address
changes such as the important fact that at this time all ferrets are dong
fine and no veterinary visits seem to be needed nor has Jean requested any
further donations with confirmation that the medicine cabinet is very well
Jean Smith letter as follows.
Hello Everyone
I have spent many nights trying to think of words that would express how
deeply I appreciate what everyone has done.  The cards, letters, money,
packages, calls, and meds have saved not only my tortured babies, but myself
as well.  Until your help arrived, I really don't know what would have
become of me.  So with all my heart and soul... thank you!
I have five who are going through operations in Idaho, Washington, and
Oregon.  and nine who are having bouts of internal bleeding from various
areas.  The rest of them are doing wonderfully.  Many of the recovering ones
are starting to act more normal around me and others.
Thanks to a large donation from a couple in Virginia, I was able to change
cages and remove some of the bad memories from my remaining ferrets, The
smell of fear and death in the other cages, I know, affected them.  They are
sleeping and eating much better and I don't see as much constant pacing.  My
cages went through the car wash and then to Ferret rescue of North Idaho run
by Toni and Greg Somerlan.  They have given their time and energy every
weekend since this happened.
The Oregon Ferret Shelter came to Spokane and picked up ten to give them a
change and lessen my work load.  All reports are good and they are doing
great.  Chris Mathis, who runs the shelter, is having surgery done on a
young male for me.  Thank you, everyone, at the Oregon Shelter!
Thank you Dr. Mary Woodman, who operated on another of my young ones at her
expense and no cost to me..  She is in Hayden Lake Idaho.
The Poem by Sam of New Zealand was beautifully written, perfectly stated,
and makes me cry.  The poems sent to me by many others are read over and
over along with letters and cards.
I thank my new friends in Sweden and Israel for caring across the globe and
touching my life.
Thank you to everyone for selfless acts of love and generosity.  Thanks to
ferret lovers, ferret owners, ferret shelters, groups and businesses who
made this happen, It's due to your actions that Lance Seruer is in jail and
not roaming the streets.  That only happened because you cared enough and
took the time and trouble to kick the justice system in the tail... a great
job well done!
To Jackie, Chere, Linda, Maggie, Scott, Bill, Gary, Sam, Don, Michelle,
Carla and many more who went without sleep and put their lifes on hold to
become part of mine.  I will forever be in your debt.
Some of us don't realize how little faith we have left in the human race
until we experience what I have.  I will never again ger buried in daily
life but instead live the rest of my days knowing there's a whole world of
beautiful people.
    Thank you!  Jean Smith
Update's since the proceeding letter is as follows:
All Veterinary bills are paid in full and a credit remains at two clinics in
the case of future emergencys.
Lance Seruer has been released prior to his granted continuance of the trial
date and is restricted to the City of Sprauge Washington and is monitored by
a Ankle Collar until said trial date sometime in March of 1998.
The surgeries do seem to finally be under control and the ferrets seem to
have a stable atmosphere, I freely handled any and all I wanted to during my
last visit and all seemed to be as normal as could be expected.
The Jean Smith Ferret Fund at US Bank has been closed and all correspondence
should be sent to Jean directly.
Scott <[log in to unmask]>
[Posted in FML issue 2206]