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Thu, 22 Jan 1998 08:20:09 -0600
Joyce Henkel <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (52 lines)
Have been lurking for a while and love the list.  Has helped me as a new
owner of 2 wonderful boys.  I adopted these guys from Ferret Fanciers of
Greater Milwaukee last August and if I could would love more but with space
being a problem, my SO is getting used to them (he didn't pay any attention
to them at first but the last couple of months has played with them, petted
them and gives them treats) and a few other things.  One is a MF, sable
(light colored looks almost identical to the one on the Ferret Calendar) and
his name is Tye.  The other spoiled brat is Bo who is dark chocolate in
coloring and smaller compared to Tye and both are now 18 mos.  old.
Yesterday they got the most wonderful present from their mom.  A brand new
cage.  It is the Midwest Ferret Playpen that I found on sale in a catalog
cage which was half the size.  I noticed a post that someone else on the
list was wondering about all that wide open space from the top to the
bottom.  I was leery about this too as the picture in the catalog really is
misleading.  I'm going to be modifying this by adding another shelf or
something to take up so much of this usable space.  Maybe make some
coverings for the plastic shelves and some triangular hammocks.  The size is
great but so much space is going unused.  Open to ideas on this also.
Bo loves the Cheweasels but have to give them very sparingly as he gets a
slightly runny stool from them.  Tye won't touch them.  Both love chocolate
so have to hide that from them and raisins.  They both love Duck Soup and I
have given that as an occasional treat.  Seems like this stuff gives them
super energy as they are very hyper in the evenings when I get home after
they have had some in the morning.  What is Woozle Goo and where can I find
a recipe?
They have alot of toys that if I could find them all they would fill a small
wooden crate.  They love to cuddle and don't give out ferret kisses as often
as I would love to get them (they give kisses to everyone else).  Could it
be something on my skin that they don't like or what?  They love to go
outside when there is a new snowfall and burrow and tunnel in the fresh snow
but otherwise they don't want to go out very much now since it's been cold.
My SO has been drinking Essiac Tea due to cancer and the boys love to drink
the dredges out of the bottom of the mug (they fight over who is going to
get the last bits first).  They say whatever animals eat must also be good
for humans or something like that.
Sorry for the long post.  Love all the helpful hints from this list and if I
had more time to respond to lot of the posts on here.  A Humidifier helps my
guys out with their dry skin and an oatmeal based shampoo and lots of
rinsing.  Write more about these two and what I have discovered about them
another time.
Joyce (mom -  now what do you two want)
Bo (feed me a treat or I'll follow you all over the house until you do)
Tye (give me some of that tea or I'll walk all over your chest until you do)
[Posted in FML issue 2195]