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Thu, 1 Jan 1998 19:47:32 -0500
dayna frazier <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (44 lines)
Hi Gang..
It is my great pleasure to be very grateful to the Star Ferret Resource List
and we feel very beholden to the wonderful people who work very hard to make
that list available to any and all who ask for it.  I know it has been
responsible for saving the lives of many ferrets..  That is not conjecture
it is witnessed fact!
I do not feel in the least the victim of extortion in any form by the
authors of this very comprehensive resource used by a vast number of ferret
owners every year.  I am honored to be listed on this excellent resource.
It is my personal observation that they do an enormous service to ferrets
and ferret loving people as well as ferret health professionals.
With over 18 years of shelter operation to look back on my evaluation of
this resource and it's service to ferrets and ferret oriented people
everywhere may perhaps carry a bit more weight than that of a relative
newcomer to the ferret world who has perhaps a few sort years of experience
to call upon.  But that is and has always been up to the individual to
decide.  I can say that never has anyone I have referred to the Star Ferret
Resource List ever been in any way disappointed in the information to be
found there..
There is a profound understanding of ferrets in all aspects to be found in
the creators of this resource..  The cumulative experience of those on that
resource list is truly without bounds.
There is no membership to purchase, no group to join and no ax to grind on
the Star  List..  It is truly there for everyone.  And that is my idea of
I would like to say my THANK YOU to everyone who works so tirelessly and
with no compensation on behalf of ferrets everywhere.. grateful?..  you bet
your best socks!  beholden?..  bet your raisins I am!.. the price of the
return envelope and stamp worth it?.. bet your last drop of Ferretone on it!
but then who am I?  ..  just little fuzzy shelter Mom in the out back of
Virginia?..  no one at all really...
Happy Ferreting in this Glorious New Year!
dayna and the woozles of the MMOMM rescue/shelter
[Posted in FML issue 2173]