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Thu, 11 Dec 1997 22:57:52 -0600
Margaret Merchant <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (50 lines)
Hi Ya'll,
Well, the snow must have went elsewhere.  It sure ain't here.  ::::sigh:::::
And the bad news is, Pookie my Canadian Ferret, has decided to put on lots
of extra hair.  Overnight.  She was the last holdout, so I am going to stock
up the pantry for the siege.  ;-)
Just so there is not misunderstanding, the folks complaining about my pic on
the web page love to give me a hard time.  For some reason, they seem to
think it is a rather ancient picture of me (I am not sure why, maybe the
lack of grey hair?) and keep badgering me to put a more recent one up.
Honest folks, it ain't that old and no, it ain't my engagement picture.
I am way behind on email, sorry.  For all who have asked and that I have
been a bad girl about replying to, all quiet on the eastern front.  LOL!!  I
just needed a couple of days off from life in general to recoup.  I am not
sick nor am I depressed.  Actually, in many ways, I feel better than I have
in a year or more.  Much happier.  Can you picture Margaret doing the happy
dance with the furbutts?
Speaking of, Miss Maisie decided on a new way to achieve her quest for
raisins.  By climbing up Ma's housecoat.  Several times.  Ok, so the first
time I shouldn't have given her a raisin.  My own fault, ok, can I help it?
She is such a timid little girl that I thought it was cute.  The first half
dozen times.
As for my crazy mail list---we is official!!  If you want to subscribe, send
an email to:
<[log in to unmask]>
with subscribe in the body of the message. That should work. Hopefully.
Other than that, expect some growing pains.  I have no idea what I am doing
so I have to figger it out as I go.  but hey, school is almost gone (5 More
Days!!) and then it will have my full attention.  Ok, so what passes for my
full attention around here.
Mad Maggie, the Maniac Celt in Mid Mo
"Don't even show me your face, cuz it's a crying shame
Just go back to the rock from under which you came
Take the sorrow you gave and all the stakes you claim-
and don't forget the blame"
Fione Apple, "Sleep to Dream"
[Posted in FML issue 2152]