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Wed, 19 Nov 1997 12:40:50 -0500
"Lisa Leidig - The Ferret Haven \"By-the-Sea\"" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (73 lines)
Hi everyone
Yup, its that time again -- Lisa responds!  <grin>
Bob C -- LOVED your article in Modern Ferret!  Thanks for sharing!  I also
wanted to thank you for the great posting about food -- I will be trying
some new things.
Tammy -- Plants inside.  It can be a big problem!  First of all, I hope that
you weren't using any pesticides in the soil for bugs/mites/spiders.  Be
careful with that around the ferrets!  I usually try rinsing the outdoor
plants in the shower with hot water to keep the bug population down when I
do bring them in -- and boy do I bring them in.  Every winter my house
shrinks!  Anyway, a couple of ideas to use to keep the ferrets from aerating
the soil: The decorative rocks for outdoors are good, if you can pile them
at least an inch thick in the pot.  That most times will discourage the
ferrets from continuing to dig, but for the really determined ferret, I use
1/4 diamond wire mesh, cut around the trunk and fitted into the pot.  You
can find this stuff at most hardware stores.  I hope this helps!
Shows in general -- ya know, I am no major competitor, but I have been going
to shows (both LIFE and AFA) for a while.  And what I have found is this:
Its not hot, its cold!  Most of the show halls the temperature was kept down
to keep the ferrets from getting warm.  I also must disagree with the sight
of ferrets, lolling listlessly in their cages.  We have walked ours on
leashes around the show hall, and a lot of other people were doing the same.
Every show I have been to, I have seen active healthy ferrets, inquisitively
following the action around them.  Mine sleep a lot, but only because they
are not out!  Most shows have fun rings, with activities like bag escape,
best trick, etc., so a lot of the nature of the ferret is allowed to come
out.  I can't comment on the Seattle show, I wasn't there.  I can't fault
the people responsible for the shows at all!  Its a testament to the
sponsors that ECE is not spread at the shows, because of their proactive
behavior!  If you don't like the way the shows are run, please contact the
sponsors and give them constructive criticism -- not something guaranteed to
put someone in a defensive manner like "your show stunk and I hated it!"
Point out what you saw as a problem, and give a possible solution.  No one
who sponsors a show wants to put a single ferret at risk for anything!
Instead of putting distance, why not build a bridge?
Pictures of kids and ferrets -- I have to disagree with Ed's posting -- I
think its great to show that ferrets are able to interact with children --
but it is also dependent on both the child AND the ferret.  I do not
advocate mixing the two unless you know the ferret well, and the child is
used to handling animals.  I can remember a shelter ferret which "watched"
the infant daughter!  And comparing a domestic ferret to a wild
animal(wolverine), well, apples and oranges there!  A dog is pretty much the
same as a wolf, but I sure wouldn't treat them the same!  I won't adopt out
to families with small children as a general rule (but there are exceptions
to every rule), but to criticize the poor woman after the trauma of her
children getting bitten, is, well uncalled for.  She feels guilty enough --
I think she is a responsible pet owner, by trying to find a compromise in
the situation without endangering the child or the ferret.  Good Luck April
and Jaden!
Laura -- keeping fingers and toes crossed for Nala. I hope that she gets
better soon!
Maggie -- write me sometime when all the stuff blows over! Us southern gals
need to stick together!
Sukie -- Virginia is also a state that adopted the NASPHV compendium
recommendations about quarantine, and thanks for the info on alternate
treatments for insulinoma.
Randy -- so glad to hear that Oso is doing so much better!! How is Harley
and Akasha? Keep me posted!
Happy Ferreting!
[Posted in FML issue 2130]