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Sun, 26 Oct 1997 14:42:28 -0800
Lynn Mcintosh <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (32 lines)
>From:    Eden Rain <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Lemke has insulinoma
>My Lemke has been diagnosed with insulinomas.  I feel stupid for not seeing
>it myself, but his weight and energy level went down so gradually...
>Our vet over the last year has consistently ignored my concerns...
>Any suggestions for soup additions that will help him bulk back up
>gratefully accepted...
Hi there Eden!
Nice to hear from a fellow Seattleite!  I go to Dr. Bishop, too!  She's
wonderful.  Don't blame yourself for not knowing Gracie's problem.  Many
things go wrong when non- or semi-ferret knowledgable vets treat fuzzies.
Of course, that's how vets gain experience, but it's the ones who won't
consult that... well, you get my drift.
Anyway, I'd love to share our great turkey soup recipe with you (or any
other FMLers that are interested). It's done amazing things for our sick
fuzzies - put five ounces on Wally in two weeks, is the recent story.  I
think the most important thing is that it's easy on the tummy, easier than
ground ferret chow, it tastes good, and the fuzzies get more protein from
the pureed meat than they do from digesting ferret chow.  It does contain
some garlic, and I'll be adding brewer's yeast now!  If you're interested,
just drop an e-mail and I'll roust it from my secretive chef husband (I
rousted it once, sent it, and deleted it - argh!).  Also, it would be
interesting to discuss Seattle vets...
I hope Gracie is doing well!
Fuzzy hugs,  Lynn Mc. and the Gang of Fur
[Posted in FML issue 2106]