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Thu, 23 Oct 1997 14:52:40 -0500
Serra Cane <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (29 lines)
I'm not sure if any of you remember this or not, but I was just so pleased I
decided to share it with you anyway.
About 3 months ago i wrote a letter to a local pet store asking them to
change the way the kept their ferrets.  They had been keeping them in a
ferret cage and then one day they decided to move them to an aquarium with
wood shavings.  After seeing this I wrote them and told them how we had
spent about $1000 in there in the last year or so, and we would never buy a
ferret kept in this manner and I sent some material I copied off the
internet about the harm wood shavings can cause.  I went in there a few
times after that and nothing had changed so I figured they had chosen to
ignore me and I quit going there.
Then I decided to go in there yesterday to see if they had ever changed
anything.  Well I was SURPRISED.  They had not only changed the ferrets
bedding, but all the other animals as well to newspaper.  The ferrets are
still in an aquarium, but with the wood shavings out of there I feel it is
much safer for them.  Also it is a HUGE aquarium so I am inclined to think
they are possibly getting a fair amount of fresh air.  They keep the lid off
the top of it.
Anyway, I just wanted to let you know about a happy ending.  And they have
the most adorable baby I keep trying to get out of my mind, but I might just
have to buy it.  :)
Score one for the Fuzzies,
[Posted in FML issue 2103]