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Sun, 5 Oct 1997 19:25:49 -0400
Janet O'Brien <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (26 lines)
Well, Newman is on his way to his new home and family in NH.  He was picked
up this afternoon by one of our listies.  I'm so happy that he has found
such a loving, permanent home, but I'm so sad he has left, WAAAAAAAH!!!
Boy, you sure do get attached to these guys in a hurry!  Sniff, sniff, I'll
get over it.  Anyway, Newmie met his new mom and one of his new brothers.  A
bruiser cinnamon hob named Luthe.  Boy, seeing as I have only ever seen MF
and pet store ferrets, I can sure understand why people swear by breeder
ferrets.  This baby (yes, he is only a youngster) is HUGE!!!!  Not just
bigger muscle-wise, but his whole bone structure appears much heftier than
my MF kids.  Am I right Mo Bob?  Luthe's head was twice as big as my oldest
female's and his feet are as big as my husband's (size 13W).  Well, OK not
that big, but pictures rattled on the walls when this fellow romped.
Anyway, as soon as poor Newman puts on some weight and gets his red blood
cell count back up, I'm sure he and Luthe will be fast friends.  Last I saw
of them they were curled up together sleeping, so all's well that end's
well.  Now I just have to have a *little* dish of chocolate ice cream to get
over my separation anxiety.  Thanks to everyone who send warm wishes.  BTW,
I'm hoping his new mom will post and let us know how he is.  I forgot to ask
if she minded if I posted her name, so we'll just have to wait and see.  My
hat's off to ALL you shelter moms and dads...a very tough but satisfying job!
[Posted in FML issue 2086]