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Tue, 1 Oct 2097 20:22:29 -0500
deb&guykelley <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (41 lines)
Hi, I have been a member only since mid-Spring.  In this short time, I have
learned so much from all of you FMLers.  You have no idea how helpful it is
to us greenhorns.
Until now, I have been lurking, this is my first post, so if I am not
following "protocol", my apologies :(
I am giving my five furries - 4 around a year old, one that's two; 1/4 tsp.
of cod liver oil twice a week.  Why, Totally Ferret has both vegetable oil
and fish oil in it's ingredients and I feel this promotes the soft, shiny,
silky fur that Totally Ferret users rave about.
I feed my little ones a mixture of Nutrition 1St by President's
Choice/SuperStore product - excellent meat based protein food and Iams
Kitten.  My darlings also get Feratone, several drops daily and Ferretvite
(baby fingernail size dollop) several times a week.  Contrary to ferrets NOT
liking fish flavour, my furries go for the cod liver oil with the same
enthusiasm as the Feratone.  After two weeks of this, I swear, their coats
are softer and silkier, in spite of going through the fall coat change.  Has
anyone else tried this?  Could I increase the frequency to every other day
without causing health problems from too much oil?  Maybe this isn't such a
good idea and if so, I'd like to know as I wouldn't want to be
unintentionally making them sick.  I welcome all suggestions and ideas!
I'm going to be greedy, and ask a second question - I'd like to know from
ferret owners own personal experiences as to good treats and bad treats.  I
read that grapes were o.k.  and yet Carole (our pres) ended up with a
blockage(well not her, one of her furries) and so that grape treat ended up
costing her $150.00 at the Vet's.  Our club members are anxious to know and
the books out there, don't tell you enough!
Thanks again, so this post ended up so long, be thankful you're not on my
mailing list as I don't tend to write letters, but novels instead - and I
don't have a life remember - I'm owned by 5 ferrets.
Deb Kelley
Vice President
Manitoba Ferret Association
[Posted in FML issue 2082]