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Sat, 27 Sep 1997 06:06:06 +0800
Alexia Langley <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (39 lines)
Having just read the FML and Kodo's Kommandos bulletins, I must say I am
sitting here with my mouth ajar.  What is it with some Government officials?
Thr statement that the Kalamazoo City Council are adding ferrets to the list
of banned pets which include alligators, bears etc etc is just unbelievably
I could understand if ferrets had a long history of being savage hunters in
the States, but how can family pets be thought of with such unreasonable
horror by these people??  Do the people who hold office in Michigan have
some sort of genetic deficiency????
BTW, watched a wonderful TV show the other evening.  It was called "Stoats
in the Priory" and was filmed by David Attenborough.  He found a family of
stoats in North Yorkshire and managed to film them during one summer.  They
are so QUICK - make our ferts look like lumbering dinosaurs!!  The cameraman
could hardly keep up with mother stoat as she ran across fields to catch
rabbits for dinner!
Watching the kits play was so funny, they do their wardance similar to our
babies, but with far more acrobatics, almost standing on their noses at
times.  The program also showed an ermine, weasel kits (I had no idea
weasels were so tiny - stoats measure up to 12 inches and weasels are even
smaller) which were incredibly adorable, and also a mother polecat with
about 4 tiny kits.  They filmed her leaving her nest to go and chase a rat,
and DA made the point that although polecats are accused of eating chickens
and eggs on farms, they don't do that, preferring to be rat catchers.
Another point he made was that these animals were also thought to suck the
blood of their victims like vampires but that was just an old wives' tale.
David Attenborough remarked that there was no "end" to this particular
section.  He commented on the fact that he loved watching "these enchanting
creatures" and was planning to return the next summer to film more on their
lives.  I hope we get to see that too.
Best wishes from your fuzzy friends down under!
Nona and the psychotic sixsome.
[Posted in FML issue 2077]