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Fri, 19 Sep 1997 11:30:23 -0600
Fanglady & the FANG Gang <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (161 lines)
Hi Everyone,
I am very sorry to have not written with a Rockadoodle update for so long
now but unfortunately a great deal has happened and most of it has been very
bad.  I want to THANK SO MUCH everyone that wrote me about my Rockadoo story
with nothing but kind and wonderful words and feelings expressed to me.
They meant a great deal to me and helped me thru a bad time.  I apologize so
much to those of you I was unable to respond to until now but I hope you
will understand after reading this post.
I intended to write you all about Rockadoodle the day after she had her
surgery but several days before that my Mom and my's sweet little Yorkie Dog
Shadow started having problems again and I was trying to help with him,
prepare for our garage sale and then be there with Rockadoodle the night of
her surgery.  Rockadoo wasn't doing too hot that night and after I got to
David's finally with my special FANG Yummy food mix and got some in her
several times thru the night she was doing MUCH better.  I stayed the entire
nite to be sure she was ok and to help her feel safe with Mommy there.  I
was awakened that next morning by a frantic call from my Mom that Shaddy was
in big trouble.  My nitemare marathon began right then.  I drove to Mom's as
fast as possible to find Shaddy in great pain and breathing very roughly.  I
wanted to get copies of all the tests ever run by vets during the last 2 1/2
to 3 months since this began in order to fax them to Dr. Bruce Williams and
see what he said.  We could not reach the vet who had just two days before
done the 1st and only complete blood panel that had been done during this
time as she was out of town I was told.  I called the vet she had consulted
with about that test but they had no copy of it to give us and suggested I
try calling the lab that did the test.  I called them and they said it was
strictly against policy to give out that info but after some fast talking I
managed to get them to fax the test results to my vet Dr. Shackleford.  Then
I called Shaddy's main vet and they agreed to fax all test records to the
same place for me asap, plus an ok for us to pick up a Lasix injection as we
felt he was very bloated from his heart condition as well.  By the time I
could pick up everything Dr. Bruce was gone from his office and I could not
get him at home so I still planned to fax everything to him there and had
spent the time I had to wait to get the records writing a complete history
of this whole affair to include with it.
Once at Dr. Shackleford's office I asked him to look everything over for us
and he saw several items that suggested to him Pancreatitis and that he
should be kept at the vet's office for 3 days minimum on IV only to treat
this.  I called Mom and we decided to do this as the garage sale was the
next day and we refused to leave him alone at home during that time.  I
rushed to get Shaddy and take him back to my vet but when we got there he
took an x-ray and listened to his heart etc... and sadly had to tell me we
had a far more immediate problem on our hands than the possible
Pancreatitis, Shaddy was in bad Congestive Heart Failure at that moment and
might not even survive to be treated for the other possible problem.  Doc
gave him a Lasix injection to try and get rid of a lot of the fluid built up
in and around his lungs and put him on Oxygen for about an hour until
closing time.  Shaddy went wee a lot and was breathing much better but he
could not be left alone at all for the next 24 hours at least.  My choice
was to take him to the Emergency Vet Facility (we correctly call it HELL
instead) or take him home and plan to be up ALL NITE with him giving him
small intravenous fluid injections and possibly more Lasix intravenously
too.  Easy choice for me to make, I TOOK HIM HOME!  Doc said we would know
within 24 hours if Shaddy's heart had enough functionability left to keep
flushing the excess fluid from him with the help of the Lasix or not.  If
not there would be nothing more we could do for him but help him cross over
Rainbow Bridge.  NO ONE wanted to believe that would be our only choice.
He did well for many hours after that and I was due to ONLY drop by the
emergency place at midnite to have them listen to his heart and lungs and
see if he needed more Lasix and Oxygen.  I left early and about 11:30 pm
Shaddy began to howl and cry in pain in my car and his breathing was shot
again as well.  I told the Emergency place to do as Dr. Shackleford had by
giving him the Lasix shot and put him on oxygen for awhile.  I don't know
why but I could hear Shaddy barking and crying in their back room, he did
not do this at my vet's, when I asked to go back and comfort him they would
not let me back because the vet had another dog in back working on it.  Even
tho Shaddy was in a room off to the side and I would not have been in the
way.  I could not stand to hear this so left to go home real quick and take
care of my ferrets since I would not be back until late the next nite.  Upon
returning Shaddy was still throwing a fit and I felt guilty as heck for
leaving him there but he needed the treatment.  One big problem, he was NO
better after going there at all.  Still breathing raggedly from fluid
build-up and in great pain.  I got him home as fast as I could and he calmed
a bit but things were getting worse.  I chose to go ahead and give him the
Lasix shot we had at home and see if it helped.  THANKFULLY it did and he
slept for several hours with Mom in her bed.  Now it was time for me to
leave to the garage sale to raise funds for Rockadoodle.  It was VERY hard
for me to leave because I already knew Shaddy's heart could no longer do
what it needed to do and we were losing him.  I called Mom later that
morning and could hear Shaddy howling and crying over the phone, my Mom
choked out the words that it was time to help him one last time but she
could not make the call.  I told her I would call the vets, Dr. Shackleford
was out and unreachable until Tue., This was Saturday, Shaddy's other vet
Dr. Ken was the same situation, out of town until Tues..  I was frantic,
"What were we going to do?".  Then I thought of the ONLY other vet I would
let touch my animals, Dr. Konsella at Petsmart, she was in, Thank God and
agreed to help us if we came immediately.  I left the garage sale and raced
to Mom's, crying all the way.  Shaddy was my very first puppy that was ALL
MINE.  Then we bred him to get him a companion and got his daughter
Silhouette.  Unfortunately she tried to bite his face off all the time in
almost a blind rage, I often wonder if she is psychotic at times, I swear!!
Soon Shaddy made it clear on visits to Grandma's house that he did not want
to go back home.  The hardest thing I had had to do for him before this was
let him go to live with them where he would be happier and safer.  Now I had
to help him to die after over 12 years in my life and as my son.  I will not
go into it but it was not an easy passing to witness due to involuntary
bodily reactions afterwards.  It was done and Shaddy was now free of pain
and at Rainbow Bridge with Grandpa, Racy, Squeaker, Blackjack and Noodle.
Now we had to shoulder the pain, the pain of losing him when no one was
remotely ready to.  My Mom became devastated and suffered a serious
breakdown.  I was trying so hard to be there for her and help hold her
together.  Also, I was trying to deal with my own loss and grief so I was
totally unable to write to you all until now.  Every time I even tried to
think of the words I would have to write I broke down and David would have
to come to my rescue.  He has helped with potty boxes and to get me out of
the house etc... since Shaddy left us.  My Mom changed her mind and does
want another little dog so I have been searching in every way I can for her
another little one to love.  In the meantime my dogs and Mr.B the ferret
visit her often, which has also taken a great deal of my time.
Now we have had to begin hell month here so that we can disinfect my entire
home as mentioned before and treat all 27 here for Giardia and Coccidia.
All this and I still keep breaking down over Shaddy.  This is so very hard
to write and I had not the strength to do it before this if I even have it
now.  I am at David's to spend the nite with Rocki and the rest of my babies
here and maybe that is why I am able to finish this letter I began days ago.
On to better news now.  1st off I am glad I did not say a bad word to
Michell that nite as I got even sweeter revenge the way it has worked out.
The very next day she called and left a message for me.  She said "Gee, the
way you left last nite seemed like you never wanted to speak to me again, if
I'm wrong please call me, and if I don't hear from you, well, I guess that's
ok too." She made herself sound all sad and all but guess what?  If my life
depended on it I would NEVER EVER dial that phone number again as long as I
live!!  I am sure the way it worked out hurt here far more than any mean
words I would have said that nite, sometimes silence can cut much deeper.
Rockadoodle has had her surgery and it appeared only the left adrenal was
involved and it was removed without a hitch, the tumor on her back was big
and blood-filled but appears to be benign, Thank you powers that be!!!
Already her belly and back and everywhere else is sprouting her baby fine
fuzz of new hair.  I fully expect my little mink girl to be back to her old
self soon.  And David, Mom and I will see to it no more harm or neglect ever
comes to these latest three members of the permanent FANG GANG!!!!
Again, I apologize for not writing to all of you who wrote to me personally
and to the FML for so long but hopefully you understand now why I was unable
Fuzzy hugs and kisses to all from Fanglady and Her FANG GANG!!!!  TNT!
*      Kelleen Andrews Owner/Operator of F.A.N.G.         *
*       "Ferret Association of Neverending Glee"          *
*          Permanent Residence Rescue/Shelter             *
*           405 S. Orchard  Boise, ID  83705              *
*      208-342-7292 (calls welcome 24 hrs. a day)         *
* Lifetime home for 25 ferrets listed below as arrived,   *
* Shyla, Rowdy, Fang, Silver, Litestar, Precious, Meetoo, *
* Pearl, Tribble, Otee, Larry, Two Socks, Stryker, Fancy, *
* Mr.B, Ronica, Betty, Yacky, Wacky, Wiggle, Gilly, Kanth,*
* Falcon, Idgie, Slinky !  Rockadoodle, Bobo, Ghost.      *
* Fly High My Guardian Angels Ferrets! Racy, Squeaker,    *
* Blackjack, Noodle, and Doglet Shadow. Never forgotten!  *
[Posted in FML issue 2072]