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Tue, 16 Sep 1997 13:37:14 +0000
Margaret Merchant <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (94 lines)
Hi Everyone,
I just wanted to clear up some misinformation about what I said on this
>Margaret might disagree with me about cattus being a Latin word, but in
>reality she is disagreeing with almost every dictionary and etymology text
Actually Bob, what I said was Oxford Latin dictionary did not list cattus,
or catus.  And that I could not find any entry under either word.  I never
said it wasn't a word.
And your point about limited space in dictionaries might be true for more
modern languages, but Bob, Latin is a *dead* language.  Has been for a
thousand years and as such is no longer changing.  It also has a very
limited amount of words.  And yes, slang words like groovy are added slowly
to modern dictionaries because of space, but I have to point out that Latin
didn't have slang words.
>Felis and feles are both correct spellings and take the same meaning, they
>are just a different form.
This is true, but they would take on slightly different meaning (nothing
major) because it denotes gender.  Just as different verb forms in French is
often the only way to tell whether you are refering to men, women or a mixed
group, the different endings es, and is, denote this also.
>Does the word "dog" make hound invalid?  Or bitch?
And how long did it take you to think this up?
>There are other problems with Margaret's "single source dictionary"
>approach, but I will be merciful and not publically point them out.
Bob, withholding valid information is not merciful.  I am quite able to
accept just criticism, private or public.
As for single source dictionary, I actually referenced 4 different
dictionaries, not one.  As for your saying 2 dictionaries, I refered to my
two volume personal copy of an Oxford Dictionary, not 2 dictionaries.  And
since I sent you the sources I used privately, I thought you would realize
this.  I did look in around a dozen dictionaries, just didn't feel it
necessary to point every single one out to make a point.
>There are basically two ways to try and convince people that your ideas are
>better than anothers'.  One is to show them and explain why they are better,
>and let the evidence convince.  The other way is to tear down other people's
>ideas in the hope your's will be selected by default, which is particularly
>effective if you also insult them.
I agree, which is why I went out of my way not to just come right out and
say "Bob is wrong."  Because that is not what I was trying to say.  I was
trying to say "Bob may be wrong."  I will readily admit that I am not an
expert in any way shape or form in quoting scientific sources.  In fact, I
have recently asked for you help in this matter.  However, even in the
humanities, questioning a conclusion is a valid step towards the hard facts.
My post was not meant as a personal attack.  And for the life of me, I don't
know what, in that post, made you think that.  I am sorry for the confusion,
I was attempting to play devil's advocate.  It wasn't meant as a joke or
anything else.  So if anyone on this forum thought that, I apologize.
On a related matter, someone wrote to me pointing out that I misspelled
voracious, vorascious.  I could make all kinds of excuses, like it was the
server at school, but the fact is I can't spell worth a hoot.  I started out
in journalism and believe me journalists don't have to spell.  If you have
any doubts, check out Bob's post.  (That is a joke folks, he is a
photojournalist).  Journalists have folks to do that for them.  And I am too
lazy to cut and paste my posts from something that has a spell checker.
>Or she could do what I did regarding her Welsh word.  I said she was right.
I am sorry Bob, I must have missed that.  Never saw that in a private or
public post.  Can you give me the place it was?  Would like to frame it.  ;-)
Bob's post closed with:
>Trust your own brain.
I agree whole heartedly and that was my point all along.  That no *one*
person is the final say in anything.
[Stuff deleted here at Maggie's request. BIG]
Maggie Mae and the Mid Missouri Mustelid Mob of 20
[Moderator's note: Except this one moderator is having a final say.  This
topic is now closed.  There's enough info in Maggie's post that's probably
related enough to the issue that I'm posting it, but this seems to be turning
into a personal squabble, and if that's the case any continuation will not
involve the FML!  BIG]
[Posted in FML issue 2067]