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Print Reply
Wed, 17 Dec 1997 01:03:21 -0500
dayna frazier <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (177 lines)
Hi Everybody...
What Wonderful People you all are!!!  The mail that has come in about the
little rescue boy that was a battering victim has been incredible!  In the
middle of your busy Holiday schedules you have taken the time out to think
of names and send messages of love and hope to one little orphan ferret.  I
thank you one and all..  And a very special THANK YOU to Joanne G. who spent
hours crocheting a soft, warm, snuggly, sleep sack and added a cheweasel and
tiny mouse toy to the bundle, then sent them all to one hurt, frightened
ferret child.  What a very kind and caring thing to do...
The little one who was so silent tried his first tiny hoarse 'dook' and then
about did a summersault looking at his chest and tummy as if saying 'What
was THAT?' soooo funny!!  And he gave me the tiniest little kiss..  then
looked so terrified it broke my heart, so I leaned down and smooched him
back on his little nose and his eyes got Huge for a minute then he gave out
a big sigh and curled back up to snooze in my lap.  I feel sure he has been
smacked for kisses in the past.  His bruising is gone and his swelling is
too unless he over does it..  but he only gets down to go back to his
enclosure to go potty or eat or get a drink of water [he is a very very good
boy!] then he comes right back and looks up at me asking 'I know it's only
been two minutes down here but could I have back up now please?' He watches
the others play and keeps glancing up at me asking..  'What on earth are
they doing down there?' He doesn't know how to play much and not at all with
other fuzzys.  He is the softest, sweetest, most loving little fuzzy anyone
could ever want.  I can see from his physical condition he has had little
time to run and keep his body healthy though..  He is chubby and has little
muscle mass.  He tires easily and doesn't have a clue how to play with
anything but one toy at a time nor with any other ferret.  My kids are
gentle and very patient [except for that nutty kit :)] with him and he is
really trying to imitate what the others do.  It's only a matter of time now
before he will be dashing around and dooking just as loudly as the rest of
the gang..  Everything in it's own time.
There is no doubt in my mind that your wonderful well wishes and prayers
helped this newest little shelter fuzzy to heal quickly and begin a new,
happier future life.  Thank you so very much, your very very special folks..
shelter adoptions... how it's done at MMOMM.  You may not be wealthy, or
beautiful, or even have all the moving parts you were born with, but that's
OK by me.  [and I truly believe it's fine with the other shelter parents
too!]  There are two main criteria you Have to Have..
One: you have to READ the Ferret FAQ I print out and give to you.  Then you
have to be able to answer the questions I have on my little quiz sheet
concerning the things discussed in the FAQ.  [hint: the first question is
'How would you ferret proof your bathroom?']  Yup..  I give a Fuzzy Final..
Flunk and No Fuzzy.
Second: when you sit down on the floor with the available kids there has to
be that special 'magic' known as bonding.  Oh, I watch you and your family
and how you handle the kids and respond to them.  If a ferret is exhibiting
seeking behavior then that fuzzy will be there to greet you and if it is
going to happen then it will.  But if those ferrets looking for a family do
not respond and want You then the bond will not be there and we will have to
wait until a fuzzy comes to us that recognizes You for the family long
wanted and wished for.  It is my experience that long time ferret folks have
no trouble at all 'connecting with a searching fuzzy.  New people to ferrets
sometimes have to wait a bit for that special fur child..  But when they see
my fur kids with me they want that special closeness too and are willing to
wait for it.  If all they want is the newest pet fad the fuzzys sense that
and reject them.  Fuzzys are very clever and incredibly intuitive, I respect
that in them.  And I 'listen' to what they want for themselves.  Does this
happen often?  YES!  Do I get fuzzys returned to my shelter after adoption?..
only once, the human half of the bond died in a car wreck, and I nearly lost
the fuzzy to extended grieving.  Do I get calls from the adoptive family
after adoption?  You bet!  And cards and letters and pictures too. :)  Sooo
what do I require?
That your willing to learn before you leap..  and that you have that
'special something' that makes you a ferret person.
But what about financial security for the ferret?  you ask... what about
having all the right stuff for the ferret?  What about children in the
family?  Fair enough questions.  When the family comes to see the kids I
study them very carefully..  and if the family does not control or correct
their children the ferrets always reject THEM not the other way around.  as
for material possessions, I am happy to assist in setting up the enclosure
for the ferret through the shelter, and this offer is often taken up as I
can get the very best of everything with no trial and error expense, and can
give excellent prices on each item selected.  But remember, the FAQ gives
the requirements for ferrets and I will know when they bring over the
enclosure on 'take the fuzzy home day' [or if I deliver the fuzzy] whether
they have followed those guidelines.  If not they are gently told they must
reread the FAQ and adjust the enclosure arrangements.  The financial
situation is pretty easy to gauge.  If one studies the clothing and
accessories, automobile driven, and enclosure arranged, it is fairly easy to
gauge the financial status of an individual or individuals.  Personal
grooming is also a giveaway..  If an individual won't take care of
themselves they will not be likely to take care of a ferret.  It's just not
that hard to form a fairly accurate impression of the situation and
financial status of another person.  [if desired there are people who can
teach another about this sort of assessment procedure]  In the long run it's
the 'magic' that counts..that special bonding that I require for my shelter
kids.  I care and the adopting families know I care and are never offended
by the suggestions I offer.  If they are then they are not right for
ferrets.  At least not for the little ones in my care.  I adopt to
'handicapped' people often.  Why?  Because they have a special and
sometimes, urgent need for such a small joyful companion.  When possible I
match handicapped human to handicapped ferret [same handicap].  Why?
Because it's pretty hard to sit and wallow in self pity when a furry
bombshell is dooking all over the carpet full of the joy of being alive and
somehow it tends to inspire them to try to measure up to their small
furchild's example.
Woozle Goo... Woozle Goo is a power food for ferrets.  It is also a very
convenient vehicle for giving meds.  It is prepared in a blender and
administered with a 35cc.  Monoject Lavage Syringe.  A lavage syringe is
simply a syringe with a long hollow nose instead of a needle attachment
nose.  The contents for the Woozle Goo and preparation instructions are
available on my web page or anyone may e-mail me and I will send the
instructions etc.  via e-mail.  If Gill Gruber wishes me to I will post the
whole ingredients/instructions page here as a post.  However I do not wish
to abuse his list by doing so without his permission.  This is a ferret list
not a Woozle Goo list..  :)
The Fuzzy Show... my FIRST fuzzy show!  WOW..  talk about a Fuzzy FIX!  You
have no idea unless you have been to one.  Picture this: an large Armory
hall with every thing a fuzzy could want [or a fuzzy family:)] from toys to
the most gorgeous elegant sleep sacks I ever saw.  Now add in over 200
fuzzys..  not just any fuzzys mind you..  These are the most fantastic,
gorgeous, pampered fuzzys imaginable.  Every color, size, type, and
personality is there.  And yes, there are shelter fuzzys there competing
too, and winning!  There are first time show fuzzys and owners [and the old
hands are so very gracious with advice and help even though they are
'competing' with your fuzzy], and there are experienced show fuzzys with
very experienced owners.  And each 'ring' judges each set of fuzzys.  But
the real key to a smooth running show is the 'caller' or announcer.  This
person has to keep each group of fuzzys correct and call over the
loudspeaker system the numbers of each fuzzy to be brought up to be judged
then call out the numbers of the fuzzys to be returned to their enclosures
after the judges are done judging them.  Shouldn't be too hard you say?
right!  one class alone had 70 ferrets and they had to be judged by all
three rings!  Keeping track of which fuzzy is where, when would give
Einstein a headache.  This show had the smoothest, most poised, most
professional, most efficient young lady doing the keeping track one could
hope for!  The delightful young teenager, Miss Kimberly Killian!
I met some of the most wonderful ferret people.  Alicia Drakiotes of
Ferretwise came all the way from New Hampshire and I was so thrilled to meet
one of my Big Hero's.  What a Neat Lady!  She had the MOST gorgeous
hammock-sleep sacks at her table..  And if you want a really unique gift to
give a ferret friend for Christmas then the lovely blown glass fuzzys she
has available are perfect.  The person who makes them for her to offer for
sale is a handicapped person who makes them at home.  She doesn't only help
sick or just plain needy fuzzys..she helps the handicapped too.  How's that
for terrific?  If 'support your local shelter' leaves you out because you
haven't GOT a local shelter, you live somewhere that just isn't close to any
shelter for fuzzys..  then may I suggest you choose Alicia's shelter for
your Christmas list this year.  She has delightful fuzzys and very needy
ones too.  She works very hard for all the little ones He sends her for
shelter and she gives 110% for every one.  You couldn't find a better person
to help.
I met lots of other fuzzy shelter people too and every one was so 'For The
Ferrets' you can't believe it..  And for you fuzzy family seekers, there
were both shelter/breeders and shelters with fuzzys for adoption ,or in the
case of the breeders, for sale.  From wild and wooly Hob boys to refined and
gentle Sprite little ladies, there was fuzzys for all tastes.
There were fuzzys EVERYWHERE!  on leashes, in carry pouches, on shoulders,
in show enclosures, in 'playpens', and even a few in pockets!  This First
Time Show Person was in Heaven!  I had more fun than a bushel of fuzzys in a
remote factory!!!  From the Petite to the Humongeous, they were all
I was the guest of Scott and Margaret Ann Lehman [the vendors of the life
saving ferret Lava Beds] and they gave me not only my first vacation ever,
but the most wonderful fuzzy fix I could imagine.  I will always be grateful
to them for this most fabulous Christmas Gift.
A Merry Ferrety Christmas to you all...
dayna and the woozles of the MMOMM rescue/shelter
[Moderator's note: This post is over the size limit... it's two days' posts
combined into one due to an email problem we're trying to figure out. BIG]
[Posted in FML issue 2157]