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Toni Brown <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 24 Oct 1997 14:54:23 UT
text/plain (47 lines)
I got my first ferret about 16 years ago.  I saw an ad in the paper for
ferrets $35 (that was a long time ago).  I had heard about ferrets, but had
never seen one or had any idea about the care of a ferret.  Well, I went to
these peoples house and sat on the couch.  Soon, three little kits were
crawling all over me hissing.  I'm not sure why I picked the one I did, but
off I went with this little girl.  I didn't own a cage or anything.  She was
a free roamer.  I did feed her cat food, but no litter box, toys or other
ferrety things.  I did get her shots.  I named her Fagen and fell in love
with her.
My second ferret came shortly after.  I walked down the street to a garage
sale and there one was.  It wasn't for sale, but after showing my delight at
seeing her the owner said "Do you want it?" Off we went, cage and all.  I
named her Panda.  She was bigger and fatter than Fagen.  The two of them
fought at first but soon became best friends.  They didn't really play
together, both had such different temperaments, but they always cuddled
Those 2 little girls are long gone now (sob) but I learned alot about owning
ferrets.  I also learned that breeders will sell them to anyone whether they
know or care where they are going.  And people who own ferrets and don't
want them will give them away to anyone.  Panda and Fagen were lucky they
found me.
I now have a little girl named Dinky and this is how I found her.  I girl I
knew had acquired Dinky as a birthday present.  I saw them together when
Dinky was just a baby.  I told the girl that when she got tired of her to
give me a call and I would take her.  It was a month later when I got the
call.  I just had a feeling this would happen.  When they brought her over
her little cage was a disaster.  Hamster shavings, a sheet with poop all
over it, dried up open can of catfood, etc.  I immediately went out and
bought her a multi-level "condo", ferret food, litter box, ferret plastic
tubing and toys.  She took to the litter box as if she had just been waiting
for somewhere to go without messing up her house.  After play time I put her
back in her cage with her toys and she will pick them up and put them in
their proper corner.  She is so neat and tidy.  Dinky is well loved and
cared for and returns that love in so many ways.  Please don't give pets as
presents unless you are sure what kind of care they will receive.
I hope I'm not just rambling on.  It's just that I want all fuzzbutts to get
the love, care and attention they need and deserve.
Ferret kisses,
Toni Brown
[Posted in FML issue 2104]