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Sun, 1 Mar 1998 07:20:25 -0500
alphachi <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (64 lines)
>Even if you could get MF to stop, what of it?  You have done nothing but
>the equivilent of saying, "We need prisons, but not in my backyard."  If it
>isn't MF, then it will be someone else, if not ferrets, then rabbits.  The
>alternative is no testing.  I don't know about you, but I'm not ready to go
>back to the days of a slug of whiskey and a bullet and the hope death is
>from a blood clot rather than blood poisoning.
Bob, many of your points are strikingly relevant.  However, as you know, our
only concerns here are ferrets and ferret welfare, not rabbits, right?  I
get the drift of your point, but it also drifts the subject at hand.
Besides, I really don't think we can turn back the hands of time, but we
*can* always improve our practices.  Bob, this is not necessarily a clash
of absolutes.  Now, Bob, about *going back* to the days of whiskey and
bullets", how many times did this happen to you while you were taming the
wild west, old timer?
>Want to get me on your side?  DO SOMETHING!  Organize something, boycott
>something, get off your butt and out from behind the keyboard and make news.
Bob, I have posted the Marshall campaign and its rationale, and I would
appreciate your input or questions.  While many have e-mailed me privately
with questions and offers, I have not seen one from you.  Now, you do not
strike me as the type to "jump on the bandwagon", so why not get involved on
the ground floor?  These are the first moves and your intelligence and logic
would be a welcome addition.  We are planning a net conference soon to hash
out the strategy and logistics in greater detail.
>I am so tired of this debate.  No one is ever gonna convince the other side
>that their side is the correct side.  Pro and con... Let's drop it.  MC
MC, you're right, such is the natue of much public debate, but convincing
the "other side" is usually not the point.  Each time these discussions come
up, many who are not on "either side" learn more and some are even compelled
to act.  Additionally, those on either side attempt to solidify their
positions with further data and "network" with others on and off this forum.
I can tell you without question, the numbers grow.  So what "productive"
insights are you willing to share?
>Ok.  You magically put MF out of business.  Now what.  Both the demand
>for lab-ferts and small, cute, neutered/descented pet-store ferts will be
>high.  Do you honestly believe that there won't be another 'MF-type'
>company ready to pounce on this opportunity?  Even if you get rid of MF,
>you don't get rid of the problem.  "E.M.  Ennis"
EM, your apathy is showing.  If "you" do not want to get involved that is
your privilege.  Why attempt to rationalize it?  Just stay home.
Now, your points:
MF promotes ferrets for both lab and pet use, they are not just filling a
need.  As any good business major will tell you, good salesmanship means
"creating a need".  Come on, how many urbanites "need" a 4x4 assault
vehicle?  And just because we incarcerate one murderer, will we will stop
all murderers?  Does this mean we should just give up?  There are countless
analogies and case histories that support action rather than inaction.
Additionally, MF is the "big dog" here, make a difference in their
practices, and others may heed *if* we are consistent.  This whole matter
is a learning experience for us all.  We'll get better and more effective
as time goes on.  Now, about that magic....
best wishes,
until next time,
[Posted in FML issue 2234]