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Wed, 28 Jan 1998 17:13:10 -0500
Tryntje Miller <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (28 lines)
Hi there all!!
I appreciated looking at the pics of the FML party.  It was good to be able
to put some faces to some of the people I read with/about and have spoken
with through e-mail, as well as of course our beloved moderator, BIG (did
you notice that at the party he admitted what the "I" stood for but didn't
repeat it in the FML?  Will someone please enlighten the rest of us).  I
sure wish that we could have been there.  Maybe the next one :).
This is my question of the day.  In a magazine I saw an advertisement for a
mosquito repellent plant.  BIG, if this is allowed, I would like to include
the little blurb.  "Throw away those foul-smelling sprays, greasy lotions
and other expensive repellents.  Just a couple of Mosquito Plants will keep
your home mosquito-free!  This incredible plant emits a scent that people
love - but mosquitoes can't stand!  So rid yourself of these pests once and
for all!" The proper "Latin" name wasn't given so I can't look it up
anywhere.  Has anyone ever heard of it?  or used it?  Do you think that it
would really work?  Would it be fuzzy safe (both the odour and the plant if
any would happen to eat it).  Some of you will remember the bug fiasco we
had a while back.  If they were Deerflies or Horseflies, the encyclopedia
said that you can use any bug repellent to keep them away.  If these plants
would be fuzzy safe this could certainly be the "safe" answer to our
problem.  Can anyone help?
Thanks.  Take care.
Tryntje and her fuzzy crew plus one husband and one dog.
[Posted in FML issue 2201]