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Fri, 2 Jan 1998 07:20:38 -0500
Kate and Rob Adlers <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (38 lines)
Hi Manfred and Deb,
I read your posts on the FML this morning and couldn't help but see your side
of the issues.  It sounds like you're frustrated that you haven't been given
a chance to help with the London ferret rescue.  That's understandable --
you're right there in the area, able to help, and it looks like someone from
out of town comes in, takes over, and suddenly you're left out in the cold,
wanting to help, and having everything pulled out from under you.
Since your post yesterday a lot has happened, and you may want to talk to
Randy again about adopting the farm ferrets out to your friends in the
London area.  She's had time to rest (she'd had maybe a few hours sleep over
the course of the three days before we went to London) and put things in
better perspective.  A group of us at the shelter last night spoke with
Randy and at that point she had reached the realization that it would be
better to adopt as many ferrets out in Canada as possible, and only send
ferrets to the States if there was no home available for them in the
"Greater Ontario area".  You may find that those fourteen ferrets aren't
getting shipped over the border after all, and that the initial "threat" to
send them over the border before looking for homes here in Canada was just a
hasty decision made while emotions were running high.
In situations like this one, where someone is mistreating animals, there are
a lot of snap decisions made.  There are also a lot of words spoken in anger
and in haste.  In both situations, the only way things can work out out
later is to step back, reassess what's gone on, and move forward from there.
That said, I would encourage you again to contact Randy about adopting out
the ferrets to your friends.  I think that you'll find her much more
amenable to the idea now that she's had a chance to rest and the animals are
safe indoors.
Kind regards,
Kate Adlers
Toronto Internet Ferret Group
[Posted in FML issue 2176]