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Fri, 14 Nov 1997 09:32:20 -0500
Judith Emery <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (37 lines)
Well, I haven't posted in a long long time, but just have to put my $0.02 in
on this one.
What I would say is that each of us is an expert on our own ferrets, at the
very least.  As caregivers, we know what makes them tic, what upsets them
etc.  No, most of us don't have veterinary degrees but we've all managed to
pick up information along the way.
Earlier this summer, I was having problems with Buddy.  The vet, a
self-proclaimed ferret 'expert' didn't want to hear anything I had to say.
When I had to leave Buddy for tests, I warned her that he can be difficult.
Buddy's an abuse case and although he's good most of the time, he can get
nippy if he's frightened.  The vet's reaction was to pat me on the head
(figuratively) and tell me that I didn't know what I was talking about and
that I should leave everything to the experts.
When I went to pick him up later that day, I had to go get him out of the
kennel.  They couldn't get anywhere near him, let alone get his harness back
on him.
Needless to say, we're going to a different vet.  The new one listens to
what I say and spent much of our first appointment just holding Buddy and
talking to him.  I can't believe the difference in him when we go to the vet
now.  He sits still for the examination and keeps trying to slip in kisses
on the vet's nose whenever he can.
I think a huge part of the relationship between a vet and caregiver is
communication.  A vet should be willing to listen to you and to take you
seriously when you say that an animal is behaving funny or when you have
some information which might help.  And I think it's a very wise person who
admits that they don't know everything and who turns to the experts, whether
that expertise is backed by a piece of paper or not, when they need answers.
Judith Emery
Toronto, Canada
[Posted in FML issue 2125]