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Mon, 3 Nov 1997 11:51:36 -0500
Melissa Litwicki <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (52 lines)
To the person who wrote about falling in love with a guy who had severe
First, I understand your concern.  A friend of a friend just died of asthma,
and another friend of a friend just died of pneumonia, both cases
*completely* unexpected and out of the blue.  While I have moderate asthma,
it is under control with steroid inhalers.  HOWEVER, asthma kills people,
and severe asthma is not to be taken lightly.
I'd suggest the following things for any moderate asthmatic with pets:
- No curtains or carpets.  Use blinds, and wash them regularly.  Get a
  futon, and wash the cover regularly.  Move to a place with hardwood
  floors, and mop those regularly.
- Change ferrets' bedding every other day OR DAILY. For me, this means
  having around 20 hammocks available.  I change them out and do ferret
  laundry once a week.  The ferrets have a separate ferret hamper that sits
  in the basement until the wash is done.
- Wipe down cage surfaces daily or every other day.
- Get a HEPA or ionizing air filter - test both - or several. Or, see if
  your furnace can be fitted with a HEPA cleaning filter (instead of a
  regular air filter).  Keep one room pet-free AT ALL TIMES, and keep one
  filter ALWAYS running in there.  This will be a 'haven.'
- Use a mild vinegar-water solution to wipe the ferrets down once a day.
  Just dampen a paper towel and wipe the ferrets off from nose to tail - you
  don't need to wet them, just wipe the surface of their fur.  This goes for
  cats, dogs, etc.
- Use dust-free litter. Wood pellets work *very* well for me.
I'd suggest doing all this for at least a month before having this man
visit, and then, with proper meds at hand in case of an attack, you can
start having him spend small amounts of time at your house.  If his doctor
doesn't recommend it, by no means should you do this!  BUT, with moderate
asthma, I have found that I do acclimate to the ferrets and have fewer
attacks after spending time around them.  After, say, vacationing away for 9
days, upon return I will have an asthma attack.
Chances are he's already on sufficient meds, but you might want to see if he
can try some of the new meds on the market to get his asthma further under
I don't have a problem with asthma attacks if the ferrets are in their own,
contained room with hardwood floors and an air filter.  This may work for
you two if you are very careful!
 __ Melissa Litwicki ____ [log in to unmask] __
 By the whole newsgroup devoted tennis showing
     it after scarfing fork and laughters
[Posted in FML issue 2114]