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Sun, 2 Nov 1997 22:56:01 -0500
Deanna Dean <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (50 lines)
The first thing I do is look in on the fuzzys but tonight I was so busy I
can't remember if I said hi to only Pepper.
I was in the room with the kids when I noticed Stinky throwing up, it looked
like she had thrown up several times.  I checked in the cage and there were
several spots of it on the floor of the cage.  Thinking back I noticed these
brown spots/stains last week on the blanket but there was nothing solid so I
thought it was nothing, you know, just a few stains and I washed them.  On
the blanket today was the same type of stain only with solid stuff in the
middle In it was some very small bits of orange, (we have orange foam balls
and all have been accounted for, they are not allowed in that room) we tore
the room apart, looked in every hidey hole and there was nothing that
shouldn't have been around.  But we did find under the bed what looked like
funny looking poop, lighter brown and the texture was grainy, I want to say
it looks like a type of pate spread thing.  No bits of anything anywhere
that she could have gotten into.  It is a fairly average size room, square,
and easily searchable as the only places they have are under the bureaus.
I'm sorry if this doesn't make sense, I'm trying to remember everything.
She was fine this morning, has been everyday since we got her.  She is super
ferret, literally, hence the costume, there is nothing she won't or can't
do.  Extremely frisky, playful, into everything, she knows no fear.....very
much on the go type of girl, the faster the better.  Tonight she hasn't
really moved except to try to hide herself under the TV to throw up.  She
did it so many times that it looked like bile or spit and was yellowish in
color.  I tried to get her to drink but she wouldn't have any of it so I
made duck soup (recipe from MaFF) for lack of anything else to do for her.
I think I keep reading this, make sure she is hydrated and has food every 3
to 4 hours so I sort of forced her to take the soup with a syringe but then
she started to take it on her own and ended up drinking 3 syringes full of
it.  She seems to be fretful and not sleeping as good as she usually does,
she keeps waking up.  I'm going to put her in the travel cage so that she
can sleep in my room.  One more thing, she seems to be licking her mouth
alot, tongue moving around kind of swallowing sounds and sometimes a
clicking noise.
Any way, Stink is 8 to 9 months old, eats TF and I am racking my brain
trying to figure out what has happened to her.  Here is all that I can think
of that has changed; I have been giving them more treats, mostly fruit loops
every morning, about a handful plus some ferrettive (the orange bits?) I
have changed litters from yesterdays news to wood pellets, bought at Home
Depot for 3.49 (remember that discussion?) could she be eating these?  do
ferrets do that?  and last, I took both ferts to the Halloween Frolic last
weekend were they y were around other ferts.
I will of course be taking her the vet in the morning but still would like
to hear from someone with any ideas.
[Posted in FML issue 2113]