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Thu, 23 Oct 1997 00:01:37 -0500
Michelle <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (18 lines)
Hello everyone,
I wanted to say hello to all my ferret relatives out there, MY name is
Jimmy.  I was addopted by a nice lady awile back who i finnaly got trained
to knowing how to scratch my tummy, just the other day they brought a new
friend home whos name is Frasier, Me and him are getting along great, well
at least as long as he dosn't try to sneek under my hamick and kick me just
as i get to sleep like he did lastnight, but other than that we have gotten
along great and we are working on our humans to get us a few more friends.
Me and Frasier figure a month of cute and adorable should get them into the
math, well got to run, I hear the humans coming and they kinda get grouchy
when they see us typing like this.  take care and remember to keep those
socks where we can get to them.
Jimmy ( The dookmister ) and Frasier ( The kissing bandit )
[Posted in FML issue 2102]