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Tue, 21 Oct 1997 07:54:20 -0700
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>From:    Melanie Hough <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: overabundance of earwax
>My 1 year old girl, Daisy, has an overabundance of earwax.  When I clean
>her ears they are dirty again the next day....
As many people have said, it could be something as simple as a yeast
infection, which is easily cleared up.  However, please take her into the
vet for a check up anyway -- last year Billy died shortly after the
discovery of a polyp in his ear canal.  The polyp was generating a lot of
wax, and in the end got infected and killed him, so do have your vet take a
peek in their before you treat it.
>From:    [log in to unmask]
>Subject: What About Marshall Farms?
>>The fact is that the limited gene pool that was mentioned the other day
>would be perfect for experimental animales because science wants practical
>clones to do research on however what proof is there that Marshal is doing
>this don't get me wrong I am not here to make enemys and if I was I would
>definitely pick a mass breeder to be enemys with I am just after the truth
>simply because I would not support a company that raises Ferrets for science
>nor any product distributed by Marshal if this was true.
I'm not entering into the Marshall Farms -- Good Or Evil debate, just giving
you the answer you require:
Marshall Farms *is* a supplier for laboratories.  Pick up any copy of Lab
Animal and you'll see at least one ad in there for their ferrets, bred for
"docility and ease of handling for the researcher."  They also breed beagles
for research purposes, DBA Butler Farms.
We picked up a 6 month old spite yesterday that the owner said he didn't
want because she "bit" frequently and wouldn't play with him at all, just
lay around.  Then this ferret (who does nothing but sit there remember)
jumped onto a counter and into a sink full of hot water apparently for
dishes, and managed to get herself severe burns on her feet (swollen beyond
belief) and stomach, and a small burn on her lip and nose.  Her burns are
more consistent with jumping into a frying pan than a sink full of water,
but that's neither here nor there really.
She's on 1/4 tab of Anafen for the pain, and I bathe her burns several times
daily with cool water and Hibitane, then apply Eye and Wound Powder.  Her
paw pads are sloughing off, and she may need surgery to stich up the very
serious burn in her stomach if the tissue falls away.  Obviously she's can't
walk, and she's very scared and pissed off (can't blame her for that).  She
also stinks, poor thing.
Has anyone else dealt with a burn victim ferret?  Is there anything else we
can do for her?  Some of the stronger painkillers my vet and I discussed
were rejected because they inhibit the healing process.  I'd like to make
her as comfortable as possible.  Her poor hind feet are so swollen and
painful looking.  She doesn't try to bite me when I pick her up anymore, and
she's very good about taking her Anafen in a syringe full of Boost, so I
think she'll come around eventually.  But I'd like to ease her discomfort
amd encourage healing in such a way that doesn't make her frightened of me
causing her more pain.  Any suggestions?
Sheena and the   |  proud LOMIG member  8-)
Wherret Ferrets!   |  "to be sane in a world of madness
Come see us at:   |    is in itself a kind of madness"
[Posted in FML issue 2101]