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Mon, 20 Oct 1997 08:50:30 -0400
text/plain (24 lines)
Hello to everyone,
Just a quick update on Louise.  She had her surgery on Thursday morning and
seems to be doing just fine.  However, she did manage to eat one of her
stitches!  I hope it tasted good!  (naturally I called the vet in a panic
and he said not too worry about it being internal, they dissolve within a
day if kept too wet !!! and as long as she is not bleeding she should be ok!)
Thelma however is quite the little character.  Usually it is Louise that
instigates play time.  Now when I have them out together (they are caged
separately) Thelma is very aggressive towards Louise so I have to constantly
watch every move Louise makes.  Is this normal?  Poor Louise cannot even
move and Thelma is after her in a flash!
Well, I must go now.  Sorry for the brief message, and I hope all is going
well with everyone.
Take care,
Marion, Thelma (hehehe - she's all mine), Louise (my bum hurts), JD and
Oscar (What is this little thing that we see motoring by herself around the
       room - where is the other one?)
[Posted in FML issue 2100]