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Fri, 17 Oct 1997 11:01:42 -0500
Christine Belsom <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (36 lines)
Hi everyone!
I'll try to keep this short (I'm a writer by nature and one day by vocation,
so I tend to be long-winded!).  We went to the vet yesterday.  Janice's
breathing and sneezing is almost 100% better, but her fever (104 at time of
emergency visit) was 106!  She is now drinking AND eating, and she doesn't
understand why I won't let her run around as much.  She also wants to go
back into her regular house, but I'm leery of letting her.  First of all,
she's not well, and secondly Puffo is very rambunctious and probably
wouldnt' let her get the rest she needs.  She felt cooler this morning, so I
guess we'll see.  Oh yes, HOW do I take her temp?  I can't be sure she's
well if I can't do that.  The vet did it, and he seemed to have a hard time.
What do I need?  KY and a thermometer?  *giggle*
Puffo got his distemper (8 week one) and did great!  I was proud of him.  He
didn't nip too much because I gave him his toy bear to chew on before and
after.  He loves that thing, but I don't want to let him have it w/o
supervision because it has plastic eyes and nose.  Can I make it safe for
him somehow?
I think that's it, except that I wanted to thank everyone who has been so
kind to me and Janice.  You are all very supportive and I am very lucky to
have a resource like this!  Thanks goes also, as always, to Mr. BIG for
posting copious messages and cleaning them up.  I usually give the postman
a present on holidays, but since I can't give BIG a present I'll just have
to send him electronic hugs.  *HUGS*
ferrety smooches and lovings-on,
and Janice "C'mon mom! Lemme out! Oh, goody -- hey!  lemme go!  Quit
petting             me! I don't WANT any more Pedialyte!  bleah!"
and Puffo "Grr! Take that, toy bear!"
P.S. I failed miserably trying to keep this short...
[Posted in FML issue 2098]