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Thu, 16 Oct 1997 11:41:40 -0400
"Ferret Aid Society..." <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (32 lines)
Hi guys..  Harley scratched a hole in the stitches and has gotten an
infection.  He just never stops!  He seems a bit better, and I hope that he
continues to hang in.  He is so cute and is starting to war dance.  Not
'wakka wakka" yet, but I'm sure that will come soon.
Oso is another shelter ferret that had originally come to us with adrenal
gland disease.  After over 2 months of panic and scrambling for funds, we
finally got it together with the help of two wonderful ladies from The TIFG
and some others.  Oso was going to have his surgery.
The doctor noticed a heart murmur which ment that there was a 30% chance he
wouldn't wake up.  I was scared, but knew he was not doing well and needed
the surgery to survive.  We went ahead.  The doctor called me during the
surgery and told me it didn't look good and that his tumor was as big as a
gum ball.  I cried & cried.  he said that he would do his best.
Oso died that day during surgery.  The Dr. revived him and he was brought
home to me alive and well.  Or so we thought.  About 3 weeks later, I was
told he probably had cancer and would not live more than a month.  I
couldn't afford to send his tumor to a lab ($100) so I just thought, "no, I
don't believe him"
Last night, sure enough, Oso's signs were in my face.  The rattle in the
chest, the swollen lymph glands, lethargy ect.  Man, when it rain is pours.
My heart is breaking.  He has already been through so much and now, this.
Please, include him and Harley in your prayers tonight.  I can't bear to
loose another fuzzy..
Tired & worried in Toronto...
[Posted in FML issue 2097]