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Thu, 16 Oct 1997 09:27:01 -0400
Chris Berry <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (29 lines)
Hey!  someone asked yesterday if anyone had a MALE cloth eating ferret.  I
must raise my hand and be recognized!  My Fidget (9 months old last
Saturday) is a voracious cloth eater.
Mostly when he is bored or ticked off at me, like Lee said of Errata.  In
fact I had gotten to the point that I would not even put a towel in his
cage, he had to sleep in his hammie becuase I couldn't let him out while I
was at work.
He seems to go in stages.  I had picked him up from being babysat one Sunday
and when I got home the better half was in the middle of moving the dining
room to the living room and vice versa.  Well we couldn't let Fidget out in
that mess.  Needless to say along with the banging on the cage, he started
eating his blanket....boy was he ticked at us.
he is getting better and I've made it an unspoken law that no socks or any
sort of thing be left in the lving room or dining room where he is allow.
Works pretty well, except when he was being babysate and ate part of my
grandma's drapes Eeek!  But she even called and said, bring him back
anytime, it is too quite!
chris and Fidget
Bacca's Menagerie
[Posted in FML issue 2097]